I discovered this, when I was trying to figure out how to have my character have high AC without looking in that heavy armour setting... when I just wore some sort of cleric outfit and a cape with a hood - both of these items covering the armour! The boots still show up, but I can change them for something else...
Seven armour pieces (boots, greaves, gauntlets, torso, helm, 2x pauldrons);
Two pieces of clothing (cape with hood, cleric outfit)
Thats NINE so far (I intend to wield two-handed blade and longbow, so no shield). Any other piece of clothing I can wear besides all these?
Additionally, I know I can have 2 of each: rings, marks, bracers, etc... Right? And what about Jewelry and other miscellaneous items? can I enchant them and have them affect me?
This seems huuuuge....
Question about enchant: Does your magic school proficiency influnce the POWER of the enchantment on an item? What is the difference between having 99% and 22% Illusion on a chameleon item?