» Fri May 27, 2011 12:53 pm
I keep my old systems unless they're beyond repair or something, and I have a knack for running into deals. Would you believe a friend got an old IBM PS/1 system with everything original (monitor, desktop cpu, keyboard, mouse, and printer) and gave it to me just because he knew I'd like the antique? It's a 386/16 with 2MB of RAM!
Anyway, if you look around you can find anything. I have run Daggerfall on systems ranging from a P133 to a P3/800, and as long as you're running Windows 98SE and have an SB or Ensonique soundcard in the thing, you should be good to go. The game runs at 60fps maxed out on a P200, so anything more than that is just overkill.
Forgot to mention, a P200 with 32MB of RAM. I noticed no performance gains between that system and my P3/800 with 512MB of RAM.