What are your thoughts on the upcoming Elder Scrolls Online alliances?
What are your thoughts on the upcoming Elder Scrolls Online alliances?
this should be posted over in the TESO Forums
Are you addressing this to ESO community or asking the Skyrim community what they think about the alliances in the upcoming MMO? Really this would be better in either TESO forum or Elder Scrolls general/lore forum.
Tiber Septim needed the Numidium to dent the Altmer.
The Orcs joining the covenant still makes no sense
Funny how most people in the Daggerfall Covenant are going to, by a huge margin, play the most boring race in the faction just because they're Caucasian humans.
Aldmeri Dominion are led by a hot cyborg Queen from the future.
The winner is obvious my friends.
I think Bretons are the most boring race in the Daggerfall Covenant because Bethesda dropped the ball when it came to developing more interesting lore for them in favor of trying to make Nords seem awesome, not because they're Caucasian humans.
Yep, if this was a 'real' war my bet would be on the Dominion with her majesty KINMUNE ruling and the Altmer overlords likely ruling over their Bosmer and Khajiit counterparts with an Iron fist. However, Redguards could give the Dominion a real problem and I think they'd have trouble conquering anything past Cyrodiil, which will be the case anyway as only Cyrodiil will be PVP.
Nord-Dunmer-Argonian alliance would collapse faster than Allende's Chile. Seriously, I don't care about 'necessity' mentioned when justifying it but I really find this alliance stupid and unbelievable. Also, why is some random likely alcoholic Nord ruling everything when Morrowind has three living gods on their side? Why should Morrowind even care in the first place when they have Almsivi?
"Cyrodiil as a jungle was a transcription error"
"Wall of Chim"
Argonian-Dunmer-Nord alliance
A Nord is on the throne in Mournhold
"You can't make buildings out of poetry"
Read the post again, I said people will play them in huge numbers compared to Orsimer and Redguards because they're Caucasian humans, not that they're boring because they are Caucasian.
I know. Just having a bit of fun. Should have put a
Wait, what? I haven't been paying a lot of attention to TES:O, so the bolded and italicized parts are things I have yet to hear of. Can you link me?
Gods... it's almost as bad as "too spread-sheety."
Wait wasn't the reason why the Dunmer and Nords joined together was to fend of the Akaviri Kamal? Then why do the Argonians give a damn? Their homeland is virtually untouchable and the Dunmer treat them like leather. Why are they involved again?
I'll admit I haven't been paying attention to ESO since I could frankly care about it except the impact it has on the main games but what is "wall of chim" and the "buliding out of poetry thing"
Hehe even our ESO sympathizer agrees
The Monthly Subscription Empire will decimate them all!
Oh yea I forgot about Altmeri architecture. Oh well RIvendell 2.0 confirmed!
The "transcription error" thing made me facepalm when I heard about it. I mean I know FOR A FACT that everyone on this forums has heard Hemiskr preach the crap out of "The many-headed Talos" Still you kinda have to blame Bethesda Game Studios themselves for making Cyrodill look so bland in the first place which unfortunately led to MK having to cover their asses.
Wall of Chim is a leaked location in Ebonheart Pact territory, that name pretty much sums up the game for me.
Heimskr=Crazy loon has apparently been confirmed by Zenimax, imagine what MK is thinking.
1998: Writes Cyrodiil as a lush and epic expansive jungle with cultural diversity and divide.
2003-2004: Finds out Cyrodiil will actually be a generic English meadow with Gondor soldiers.
Post-Oblvion: Writes in-depth and detailed piece to do Bethesda's job and appease/calm fans regarding Oblivion's appearance in TES 4.
2011: Bethesda puts that piece into a game, making it 'officially' 'canon.'
ESO: Now both his PG1 extract on Cyrodiil and Many Headed Talos, which was put into a game, are almost made completely irrelevant.
Oh and HammerfellSellsword you forgot to add to the list
12412049532582595236 emporers
I think I'm just going to roll with the idea that TES:O is a popular historical fiction book widely read during the 4th Era but so full of misinformation that everyone in the intellectual community consider it to be only good as kindling.
"The mighty Altmer Emperor Epixxx DragonSlyer99 was long known for his harsh and iron fisted rule of Tamriel throughout his endless reign of 3 1/2 days."
HOW DARE YOU! I will drown the Riddler in Breton soupe d'escargot puant for your insolence.
Lol you are sort of right. I mean the most interesting (and badass) guys in the history of High Rock in my opinion is Clan Direnni who aren't even Breton but Altmer. Still the Bretons did defeat an endless army of Daedra + Undead led by some crazy Bosmer with just their navy so you can't say they svck.
The Bretons basically are what all TES races would be like without Michael Kirkbride and the Redguard writing team simply because the Bretons were given extensive lore in Daggerfall before Kirkbride started getting involved in world building in Redguard. It really wouldn't make sense to have written them much differently (and more interesting) in PG1 than what they were in Daggerfall.