Why should bethesda not make the stock bodies in the game naked? to get less harsh criticism? rated for teens? teens don't use mods do they? ESRB rated Daggerfall M because it had a females chest without a bra in it! but morrowind T because it didn't have [censored] in the stock game... so... come on... the game will be modded, its a part of all the elder scrolls games since morrowind. all bethesda games in fact. nudity is the least bad thing out of all the things you will see in mods. i'm just wondering... why no nudity? from my perspective its practically wrong not to tag morrowind and oblivion with the nudity tag from ESRB... zombies are butt nekkid!
on my oblivion game it says "15. Contains moderate violence." in my game "Contains nudity, strong violence and language, suggestive themes, Drug and Alcohol usage (Potions anyone? come on!)" and tons more, through mods! without the mods it contains all of these anyways except for the nudity, its almost wrong to make a game be rated for 12 year olds instead of 18 because it doesn't have nudity in the stock version, so why not let the game be rated for the features it will contain eventually? i mean sure even if it contains nudity from my point of view i still don't see why a 12 year old shouldn't play it, doesn't have six, come on haven't you seen your mother? (of course you have) its pretty basic... and offers some more gameplay content like peoples genitals freezing off if they are naked for too long outside

anyone else agree with me on this? :spotted owl: