Currently i'm trying to figure out what Daggerfall would look like if it weren't restricted by the XEngine. I'm drawing a map of the city, making it a lot more organic than it's presented in the game of the same name, but i've been wondering about one thing before i start moving past sketches:
Does Daggerfall have a harbour?
I've always imagined that, in order for Daggerfall to become the place of power it's always been, it has to have access to the water somehow. Geographically and geopolitically it simply doesn't make sense for the city to be a few miles land inward without direct access to a port, since a location at the coast would insure a large volume of goods and people to be passing through the city, giving a good reason for why it's grown so large in the first place.
However, i understand that it might have a satellite town that functions as a harbour, though i would have to wonder how that would work exactly - One would assume that that little town would have grown into the city we all know and love.
So far, all my sketches have assumed that the harbour is within Daggerfall itself, or at least part of it, but am i right in that assumption? Could anyone point me to sources about this, or has this never been mentioned anywhere?
I would hope that what's being shown in the game is not accepted as 100% canon, the city layout is laughable just on it's own

I'd also like to know whether or not the area is supposed to be hilly or not. Hills or cliffs at the location would make for a very pretty city, aswell as give another reason for why the city has grown as it has (major thoroughfare because there's no other place to moor along the coast for a long distance).