Also, that the dungeon music has random ambient noises tossed into it that may or may not signal the presence of a monster is really unnerving, Basically, you never feel safe, especially at low level, which is why low level characters are always the best to play

Yup, exactly. I only started playing a few months ago, after years of Morrowind I finally tried Daggerfall which was refreshingly better than ESIII & IV I might add, anyways I always do this thing where I make a test character with new RPG's I try, to get a feel for it. So I answered all the questions and let the game generate a Nightblade for me, and I didn't get any ebony dagger that people apparently try to start with... Wholey crap! Was this game scary, I svcked, I was new, everything was new. It was great.
I moved on to a different type of character after I got the feel for it of course. Although playing as a Nightblade for a first time experience was awesome, it's rare that in a game my main goal is to survive more than anything else. Something Doom 3 just didn't do for me, or any of the Dooms for that matter. It was a gauntlet of monsters you had to kill, no big suprises. Daggerfall is just full of suprises, like the first time I saw briasts in game, which was in a temple. This was suprising to me

I mean, go figure of all places. And the occassional Merchant's room, but that's the realism you get. I heard that among many other things they wanting to leave in the game, prosttutes were intended as NPC's and as their own political faction. Same with Dragons.
I'm ranting... Sorry. Just got losts in all the Dragons & Boobidge & Daggerfall running around in my head. I shouldn't post. :slap: