Not to be super cheesey and say what everyone else was saying, but I would have to consider Daggerfall one of the scarier games I've played. And like someone said earlier, it is difficult to explain why. I was trying to tell my wife what it was like turning a corner when
*BAM* SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER :ahhh: , a skeleton bashes your f*cking face in... And countless other examples that have been posted.
Touching Doom really quickly that game startled me from time to time but it never horrified me like Daggerfall. :shrug:
Alright, I believe I have developed a theory as to why Daggerfall is scarier than New Generation games that try to be. "People need a straight line to walk, even if it's not obvious or they make it themselves, everyone walks some kind of line. And without this line, you are left with chaos, and all that evokes." Relevant Translation./ = In new games like "F.E.A.R.", "Doom 3", "Dead Space", "Resident Evil", and many others, bad things are scripted to, planned to, and obviously expected to happen. Certain parts are garunteed to "be scary". When you take a game with a good sense of realism(or just didn't have the tech to try and be cheesy), Nothing is expected, you don't know what is going to happen, what's around that corner, how deep will the dungeon go, what the hell woke you up? This game, is random, and you have no way of knowing how things are going to happen when you enter a dungeon. And nothing scares people more than something they don't know.
If this is already obvious to everyone then, Idonno, apologies

, but this is why I think a 15 year old game is scarier than games today that have a 15 million dollar budget to "try" and be scary.