Yes I am an ungrateful wretch!! Mea Culpa!! Mea maxima culpa!!
Seriously though the Cybiades refuge is quite nice for a Daggerfall
inspired Oblivion home. Well Done!! A real pity that i wont use it much.
But as I play at 75%+ difficulty survival is my main aim and yes doing
quests for their own sake should be the ideal situation but unfortunately
like in the real world, it don't work that way.
If you ask around the fora you find that the discovery of nice nicnacs(?sp)
(eg rings of fire shield etc) is one of the MAIN motivations behind quest
fulfillment and to not recognise this is unrealistic however beautifully
idealistic it may be.(eg the Robersglen cave posts)
I think that my cynicism re virtual homes is because I find that looking after
one in RL to be so demanding and time consuming that I sure as hell do not
want to do more when I am gaming.
Still trying to wok out how to stop bouncing off the fire wall.
I am so keen to get rihgt into one of those almost infinite Daggerfall dungeons
with their almost impossible route finding and i do miss Daedric seducers
(come tho think of it: who cares if they are daedric?)