Daggerfall Music Bug

Post » Fri May 11, 2012 7:43 pm

So, I installed DaggerfallSetup.exe, with all the patches, but I currently have a problem with the music.
I can hear the Privateer's Hold's and building's musics, but when I step outside, the previous music continues to play, like I can still hear the dungeon music outside.
Also, if I restart the game and I load a file where I'm outside, no music plays.

I've seen Bethesda's FAQ and it did talk about a similar problem.
They adviced that I should set the sound card to Roland Sound Canvas, which I believe is Roland RAP-10 in the SETUP.INI file, but I still haven't managed to make it work.

I tried using DOSBox, but I have trouble using it.

Any advice would be very appreciated.

Also, my Daggerfall folder is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks
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Clea Jamerson
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