I've hit a bit of a brick wall, though. It seems that every time I try to finish a quest, I get the inventory screen opened to accept the reward. As soon as I take the item, the game freezes. Occasionally it freezes before I even get to take it. I've tried reloading games prior to starting the quest, tried completey different quests, everything that I can think of. It doesn't seem to be a save game error, and I suspect it would probably do the same on a new character as well, but I really don't want to start over after so much playtime or go through Privateer's Hold and a quest just to test it. I couldn't find anything similar to this after a bit of web searching, so has anyone ever experienced this? Is there any way I can fix it, or should I move on to Morrowind and unfortunately never say I played through Daggerfall (although I'm sure there's lots of dedicated fans out there who haven't either, even though it is a fun game)?