My (level 13, or so) Wood Elf Ranger is handy with longsword & axe, running & archery, critical strike, pickpocketing & many other skills, but her magic skillz are quite lacking & mana is only up to about 35 units. She's been using buoyancy, water breathing & Baylana's Balm to train in the only manner she's been able to since char gen, as well as boosting int and/or wis at level-up whenever possible, and at this level, this is all the mana she has. I mention this because currently, she seems to be facing yet a new opponent that uses paralysis to great effect, while simultaneously reducing her mana by half at every encounter (rendering her magic useless until the next rest). Sometimes, she manages to break out of the paralysis before dying but it's rare. Then, she has to backtrack through the dungeon to find a place to rest to regen mana, thus making many of the timed quests nigh impossible. I don't come across too many FREE ACTION potions, though I've had a few. When used, this allows her to make VERY short work of the ghosts, but it's just not feasible to be the ONLY solution. Since her magic skills aren't up to Mages' Guild entry level yet (will they EVER be??), she cannot get training there, or buy or make potions.
Is this character basically borked, or is there hope? She just joined whatever temple it is in Sentinel (Order of something, damn brain), and I see their trainer offers Thaumaturgy, so perhaps there IS hope..? We shall see.. Anyway, any advice y'all could offer would be great!
Oh, and while I'm here, her agility has been compromised somehow or other as well.. I attempted "healing," but they said I have no disease. This is one I'm thinking I can find in the manual, but if you're already looking at the above dilemma, and you know where I can get her stats "healed," I'd appreciate that nudge as well..
Muchas gracias!