Ah, the Daggerfall trailer. I love that classical piece. I've been hunting for the specific orchestration used by the video but have been unable to locate it anywhere. Therein lies the problem with classical music, being notes on paper and not an actual audial composition - you hear one rendition and love it, but it's one in a sea of millions.

Coincidentally, as a fan of the Team Fortress series (
all the games, mind you) I've often enjoyed the bit of music used in the original QuakeWorld Team Fortress http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FVJ__rBFxk. Interestingly it's part of Carmina Burana (and, in my opinion, infinitely more memorable than the overused O Fortuna crap that people always use in their videos) and the specific clip used when making the trailer can be found in the game's data files.
Still wish I could find the full version from which that snippet was derived, though.