I searched this here but didn't really see what I wanted, I recently for Christmas got a 360 controller that hooks up to my laptop. I wanted to use it mainly for Daggerfall so I downloaded Xpadder and set it up, it runs well for VBA but on Dosbox Portable? I can manage to get the controller to work slightly but it glitches, doing a command meant for another button and I can't even ATTACK anymore, even when using the keyboard attacking no longer works!!! Did I just forget how it works? Idk but whether not bring up that screen (forgot the key command but you can bring up your keyboard setup for Dosbox) and set a controller button to a keyboard one, even if I wrote down the buttons Dosbox uses there isn't enough buttons on the controller to set each of the commands too.
But I am sure there is a way to use a controller to Dosbox and Daggerfall, but what is it? This is the controller, https://www.google.com/webhp?ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=xbox+360+red+controllerif anyone can help me set up a controller to play Daggerfall with than super thanks, playing this game with the keyboard and mouse is----not really good, movement is awkward when I have to walk---pause---turn---walk----pause---turn---look up which button opens a door----walk---repeat.
Honestly it's slow, has to be a good setup for a controller....