can someone tell my, how I can swim? I am currently in a dungeon, where I have to swim through, but my char is somehow walking underwater... I won't need any special spells (I suppose, water walking works like in morrowind, so it won't be useful in that situation)? except of water breathing, which is essential if you not intend to die after ten seconds..
and how does climbing exactly work? I walk against a wall and wait till there's a message telling me, I am in climbing mode. sometimes, I climb up the wall, sometimes only one meter or less. underwater climbing seems also impossible.
Swimming is heavily affected by your encumbrance. If you are carrying a lot (and by a lot, I really mean practically anything at all) you will sink straight to the bottom and have trouble getting back up, and you'll move slowly. Anyhow, you're looking for whatever is mapped to "float up/float down" in your control scheme, those will help you control your depth.
Water walking is NOT like it is in Morrowind. Water walking lets you walk through water without resistance. Water breathing, yea, is self evident. Basically, anyone who can cast a spell should cast water walking and breathing before doing anything underwater. Doing otherwise is just silly