But I am aware you can get letters 'out fo the blue', like the one from the Brotherhood when doing a quest to pick up something from one Mages Guild to deliver to another Mages Guild, where they threatened me and told me to deliver somewhere else.
In any event, i am not overly worried, and I feel this thread has become a free Daggerfall quest that we're all investigating!

Gotta say a huge thanks for all the help! But it's been a week now (game time) and if it is important,I may get a reminder letter in another week!
To end though - gotta resent becoming a scoundrel in Wayrest just because I had to rescue a woman kidnapped in a locked house and I had to picklock the door to get in, hearing the HALT,HALT HALT!. I got the girl and took her to the temple, completing the quest, and the guards never caught up with me or bothered me after the quest completion. I suppose that's what you call sacrifice!