Unfortunately, sometimes the dungeons were so massive and crazy that it felt like you could be lost in them for days -- real time days. Most people didn't like that. I loved it. It made the world feel so gigantic, and each dungeon was almost a new game in and of itself.
AThen they ditched the idea of randomized dungeons. And this awesome feature has been lost in the sandsof time. I think it would be awesome if they could cook up another randomized dungeon feature., maybe even one that re-randomizes after you are done with the dungeon. Maybe some kind of ancient dwemer technology or something. You explore the randomized dungeon, head on out, then flip a couple of switches of multiple settings -- one swtich for difficulty(easy, moderate, diffficult), one for size(small, medium, large-- this would include how many floors are on it), another switch for enemy density ( solo, occassionally group, always grouped). Well, you get the idea. For me, I'd love the hude sprawling dungeons that make you wonder if you will ever find your way out. For other who hated that aspect of the randomized dungeons they can remove it entirely.
Obviously it adds incredible repay value to the game, too.