Balancing the game against itself.
Yes this isn't WoW or a MMO, but that doesn't mean it should be allowed to have bugs.
There are some people complaining that magic needs buffing. You can't tell them to go play a rogue or a warrior. You should make magic a viable route to success.
I agreed with the rest of your post, except this.
People will complain about anything if given the opportunity, whether or not it needs to be complained about. Especially if they can't
steamroll enemies the way they think they should. As evidence by the guy in this thread that wants to just blast everything with destruction
magic as a mage, without bothering with anything else.
I've seen threads in this forum calling for a buff to every play style. It leaves me wondering just how much work these
people put in to developing their character, and whether or not they've leveled anything past 30 before they start complaining.
I agree with fixing the bug, but an over all buff to daggers is not needed in my opinion. The are weaker than swords for a reason.