daggers benifits from 1h perks or not?

Post » Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:07 pm

elderscrolls wikia says they're not affected by fortify 1 handed enchants? the uesp says it's only if the dagger is tempered to legendary. is that right? what about perks? Im asking cause I have a mehrunes razor tempered to 198 dmg and it's pretty weaksauce still. I remember reading somewhere that the 1h skill didnt effect daggers at all but not on ps3, which is my platform. I cant find that statement though. Help

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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:20 pm

Daggers don't benefit from fortify One Handed ENCHANTMENTS because if you sneak attack with the dagger perk (x15) plus DB gloves (x15) = total of x30 Damage. Plus the fortify one handed => a LOT of damage early in the game.

One Handed SKILL, on the other hand, does effect daggers. Though it's not necessary to invest in One Handed at all if you Sneak attack with Daggers. I have an assassin with no One Handed perks, who use DB's Blade of Woe (Not even close to the strongest dagger) with Arcane Smithing perk (you don't need any other Smithing perks for the Blade of Woe) and 100 Smithing, with DB gloves (so total is x30 damage). On Legendary difficutly, I'm able to power-attack one-shot Dragon Priests and all Dragons up to Legendary. It took Legendary Dragons down to about 15% health.

It's insane. I'm thinking about going to Solstheim to temperarily swap perks to get up to Dragon Smithing and get Dragonbone Dagger. Because why not? :)

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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:48 am

ok thanks, that's pretty much confirms the wiki statements then. I just find the remark that 1h enchants would work if the daggers were tempered to "flawless" but not to "legendary", really odd.

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Lauren Dale
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Post » Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:35 pm

I'm not really sure since I never invest in one handed because I use sneak dagger. But I know that there's a big gap of damage between flawless and legendary; so MAYBE 1h enchants does work with flawless... who knows?

In that case, maybe in certain situation, having a flawless dagger with really high 1h enchants on your gloves is better than a legendary dagger. :shrug:

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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Mon Jul 15, 2013 7:38 am

yea you're right of course, it's not like it matters much, just found it odd

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Emily Jeffs
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