Dagoth Ur Model Reworked

Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:19 pm

Hello people, I don't know if this is the proper place to show this, or if this is going to get any atention at all, but I wanted to sahre this thing I made, a model replacement of Dagoth Ur, here you can look at it:


I'm not used to publicize my hobby stuff or participate in a modding community, but after I finished the model I wanted to see if I could put it in the game and see it moving, when I managed to barely achieve that I thought that maybe someone would enjoy having a higher poly/texture resolution Dagoth Ur model in replacing of the old one, and maybe I could receive information on how to do this kind of things (model replacement) properly, 'cause my knowledge in this matter is a bit poor and there are some problems, for instance:

- When you first meet Dagoth Ur he often holds a magic effect in his hand, but I think the particles don't look like they should in this mod, I really don't know what to do about it.

- When defeated in the first encounter his body is supposed to disappear with a fading effect, but in my mod his body just disappears abruptly. Again, I really don't know what to do about it.

- I know the .nif is a bit dirty, but I lack the knoledge to handle .nid files and Nifskope properly.

- I had to change the importing nif options in Blender to be able to import the original skeleton and mesh in a proper T-pose to work with, I know this isn't the best way to do this, but other options imports the whole thing in a Relax pose that is not good for adapting a new mesh to it. Again, I lack the knowledge to sort this out.

Those problems don't prevent this to be effective and functional in replacing the old mesh model, I hope you like it and sorry for my English.


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claire ley
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:32 pm

This is a really impressive visual improvement! There are a lot of very knowledgeable people here who I'm sure can help you with the remaining issues. Good luck!

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Harry Leon
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:15 pm

The skinning of the model works all right, so you can just open the vanilla xDagothr.nif in NifSkope and copy-paste the new NiTriShapes into it. That way the model will use default particle settings, not the ones screwed over while importing/exporting etc.

For the body to fade away you need to properly connect the default NiAlphaControllers to the NiMaterialProperties. Just use the model I linked in the comments on Nexus as a reference.

(Almost forgot - you'll also need to add a NiAlphaProperty to all the NiTriShapes for the transparency to work.)

It comes with practice, just open the models in NifScope and fiddle around with them, that's what helped me.

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Jake Easom
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:23 pm

I agree, nice work! Btw. Reizeron already fixed most of these issues and cleaned the nif for you, take a look into comments of your mod on Nexus :) Also, as Pherim suggested there, it is best to convert textures to DDS format. DDS compression that is best is DXT1 for textures with no transparency (alpha) used, and DXT5 is best for textures with transparency. Also always generate MIPMAPs for textures. Finally, using GIMP DDS plugin is not recommended for this, as Pherim recently found out that the MIPMAPs it creates are a bit weird. So as he recommends, Paint .NET is good, or I can recommend http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12801/?. It is posted on Skyrim Nexus, but works for all TES games, plus can batch-process whole folder. I hope this will help you a bit :) Once again good work and I hope we can look forward to more mods from you in the future! :)

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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:24 pm

I didn't notice the message board in the nexus page, I'm sorry for that.

I looked into the file you provided me there Reizeron, I managed to made the same tweaks and now the fading problem is fixed. I thank you for your help, this was really nagging me for not being able to solve it.

I also notice that the particle effect isn't really broken, using vanilla Dagoth Ur I'm still seeing a dim magic effect (and sometimes I can see it just right, even with my model). Who knows, maybe it's only something broken with my game because of some mods or something.


I have also made DDS textures as I was advised, I think is appropriate to upload the file again with those little changes, for the sake of proper functionality.

Thank you, and just to let you know I just uploaded a new "mod", a splash/loading screen addon:


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Matthew Warren
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:14 am


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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:43 am

I'm glad you got so many of the issues fixed! This is a phenomenal replacer. Nice loading screens too!

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Catharine Krupinski
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