Well, a lot of interesting points have been brought up, so I will do my best
to answer them in a concise statement or two or a few. Starting with the look
of the hair, even I said in my initial statement that I would dirty it up a bit
more, so no worries there (though not too much as even the hair texture on
the original was not too worn out). The helm might appear shiny and new,
but really no more than the original mask textures (the difference being the
amount of detail added in my version does not allow for too much rusting,
though all of the colours of the original were used as overlays so that they
relate to one another). That said, though, I can easily add a layer of rust to
all of the metallic elements, but it will still be somewhat shiny (Dagoth Ur gets
bored while waiting. so he, ummm, polishes his mask?); so no worries there.
I can enhance his rib structure a bit to make him appear a bit more gaunt, but
the mesh might or might not be so forgiving in that regard (again, no worries).
As for the Ash Vampires, I could cobble them as well (giving them each an
individual appearance somewhat); their animations, I think, while elongating
the BB mesh a bit, are far more forgiving than the original Dagoth Ur biped (so
I might give them a try, initially, without any skeleton adjustments).
@Oriphier- I work fast due to my preplanning, I suppose; I get the idea in my
head and sketch it out as a blueprint of sorts (as one does). Then, it is just a
matter of putting it all together (no real insight there

). However, as far as
my own method/personality overlap, I suppose one could say that I am like a
dog with a bone; once I have something in mind, I do not let go of it til all of
my ideas have gone from conception to actualization/realization. It mostly
only appears as if I am working fast, when, in reality, I just have a solid plan
in place from which to work

@Dirnae- Nahh, not Almy's anims; I made a quick statue of him for the screens
sake (better than an arms flailed out to the sides of the basic biped; not much
personality to be found there)

. You take your time on your animations (no
need to rush whatsoever). I will be happy to have them when
YOU are
happy with them, so don't fret about getting them done in a hurry; your being
able to do your best rewards us all

Well this thread is coming to a close, soon; should another be started? I am
not finished with my part, yet, and others were making fine things as well that
should most definitely be continued.
Take Care, All :angel: