Glad to hear people are interested in it. Just hope it works fine in game

Melchior, I already plan to, but because of the way the mesh deforms on a biped, I need to export it and import it first, which I can only really do when the animation work is finished. My little scaled animation trick was just using mesh deformations to the animators advantage anyway, I was using the same thing which deformed bb meshes on Dagoth's orignial skeleton, the size and position of the bones, on NPC's. So it's certainly possible (and from the sounds of it quite easy) to get a larger upper body, though I'm gonna finish one which has normal proportions first, as I think that'll be useful to a few people. ^_^
edit: I might need to attach dagoth's old hand's to him, I can make 'normal' versions if the long fingers are a problem.