Incredible MD, just awsome, thank you!
You are very welcome! I hope you enjoy hunting them (or just enjoying their looks

ha ha. I haven't fought an Owlbear since I played 2nd edition D&D back in 1980-something. That brings back memories. Can't wait to take them on again.
Actually, I did get quite a few of my creature ideas from D&D creatures. Even though I've never played myself... that's what Wikipedia is for :spotted owl:
I haven't fought one yet myself. Tell me if they're any fun

Ooops, I'm a bit late, but congrats for the release!!! :goodjob: I already know where I will showcase your creatures in the "Skyrim-Mod", remember you gave me your ok!!!

I'll post some screens, when it's done. I'm curious, what part II of your creatures will be like!!! B)
Greets, TheDaywalker!!! :rock:
Thanks Daywalker! I can't wait to see them in the mod

and yes I do remember giving you my permission. I really like seeing my work in mods, to me it means they were useful. And that is satisfying as a modder.
Actually, I have a sneak peek of a creature for
numero dos (there are already several which you can see in the old thread, which weren't finished for this release). I call it a Trollkyn :hehe: