I've uploaded the original texture files (layered to easy edit) to http://daishi.atw.hu, for those who'd like to make some retextures.
Classic Plasma Rifle
This 1 is the 1st mod i ever made basically i changed the barrel of the Gatling Laser and made it a plasma rifle.
Classic P94 Plasma Rifle ver 2
This 1 is made almost completely by me, but other than the model is same as above.
Classic YK42B Pulse Rifle
The big favorite energy weapon, dunno what else to say about it.
Classic MEC Gauss Minigun
My personal favorite, i think it looks awesome even after i redesigned it a little.
Classic Tesla Metal Armor
Classic Tesla armor, basically just retextured Metal Armor and modified the shoulder pads, plus added the effect from Tesla PA. Design is more from Tactics thou. now has a re-textured Recon helmet too.
Classic H&K L30 Gatling Laser
Another Classic FO 1/2/Tactics weapon. A truly Gatling (well as far as barrels spin) Laser.
Classic Glock 86 Plasma Pistol
Heres one of the last still missing (from FO3) classic toy.
Classic Pulse Grenades and Super Sledgehammer
Both are replacers. Sledgehammer has animated version.
Classic Plasma Grenades
Replacer version. I've said ill make it ... eventually
As for whats next:
I think ill make some more WH40k mods for the time being. http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=977085&st=0 a topic with those mods.
Sorry for my bad english.