Ive set the spread like this because:
- Sadly i dont have the money and the time to play the tabletop, and i dont have any codexes so no base from there to use
- Ive used FireWarrior as a reference in conjunction with the info ive found here http://tauonline.org/Article/273/WeaponsoftheTauEmpire
- Its an automatic weap ingame and such shouldnt be that accurate (imo at least)
Some things about 40K that you might find informative:
Any one shot can kill a normal opponent, so when trying to translate the feel of a weapon from WH40K to FO3, it is probably most useful to think of shots as 'the number of Raiders the weapon can take out in VATS', or something. A truly heroic Ork might survive 2-3 shots, but those are probably roughly equivalent to a Super Mutant Master or Overlord.
A normal human can move 6" when running or 12" when sprinting.
Accuracy is derived from the type of shooter, not the weapon used. The baseline is 50% accuracy and Tau do not vary from that.
WH40K divides weapons into distinct categories, supplemented by stats for individual weapons and troops.
Pistols can be fired once up to 12". This category includes things like FO3's 10mm SMG.
Rapid Fire is the baseline weapon type. Rapid Fire weapons can be fired once up to the weapon's maximum range (baseline 24") by a stationary shooter, or twice up to 12" by a stationary shooter. On the run they can only be fired twice up to 12". WH40K Rapid Fire weapons include pretty much all Small and Energy Weapons in FO3 that aren't pistols, shotguns or sniper rifles, and generally differ only in stopping power, the baseline being 50% chance to kill an unarmoured human. Non-humans can be much, much tougher than humans however.
WH40K also has Assault# and Heavy# weapon types. The # denotes how many times the weapon can be fired up to it's maximum range, and Assault or Heavy denotes whether the weapon can be fired on the run or must be stationary. Unlike Rapid Fire weapons, Assault# and Heavy# weapons vary wildly, so here's a few examples:
A Las Gun has a range of 24" and 50% chance to kill. Las Guns are probably somewhere between FO3 Laser Pistols and Rifles.
A Bolt Gun has a range of 24" and 66% chance to kill. A Bolt Gun is probably roughly equivalent to a Chinese Assault Rifle.
A Shotgun has a range of 12", 50% chance to kill and is an Assault2 weapon.
A Sniper Rifle has a range of 36", has a 50% chance to kill/wound regardless of how tough the target is, and is a Heavy1 weapon. Sniper Rifles also make units under fire dive for cover, and stay there.
A Heavy Stubber/Big Shooter, aka machine gun, has a range of 36". In the hands of a normal human, it has 66% chance to kill and is a Heavy3 weapon. In the hands of an Ork it has 83% chance to kill and is an Assault3 weapon.
An Assault Cannon, aka minigun, has a range of 24", 85% chance to kill and is a Heavy4 weapon.
Now for comparison, a Tau Pulse Rifle is a Rapid Fire weapon, has a maximum range of 30" (instead of the normal 24"), and 83% chance to kill a normal, unarmoured human.
I think the above should be comprehensive enough for you to draw your own conclusions, if you feel like rebalancing your mod.
Or the short and sweet version: In WH40K the Pulse Rifle is a bit like FO3s Hunting Rifle. It doesn't have the range or the damage of a real Sniper Rifle (and it doesn't make units dive into cover), but its rapid rate of fire (or abundance of ammo in FO3) makes it a better sniper rifle against weak enemies than the real thing. If you rebalance your mod, you probably want to look to the Hunting Rifle for inspiration.
I play against Tau occasionally (and have the Tau Empire codex and core rules on hand), so I can probably answer most questions about mechanics and such.