» Tue May 17, 2011 12:18 am
The dalek, according to canon, can disolve small munitions fired at it before they even hit, shrugs off all physical force and is totally immune to energy weapons. Its only particular weakness is to high explosives or explosive rounds and they have to be big enough to hit home. It is likely, then, that it would take a very lucky hit from a missile launcher or a 'fat boy' to the eyepiece, the weakest point in its defenses to take it down. (Something played out in Remembrance of the Daleks when 'Ace' manages to take one down with a rocket launcher hit to the eye.) Of course, this would mean braving its line of fire, and a single hit from a Dalek blaster is a guaranteed death.
The second option is a way to temporarily stun it to get close enough to plant it with extremely high explosives, possibly either a pulse grenade or a modified pulse grenade could be used to replicate this.
It'd be quite an enjoyable challenge if I do end up putting it in game. (though the first chance I'll actually get to use GECK will be in mid January.) That said I'm not getting ahead of myself, right now it's just a cool Dalek model I made that I may try to implement once I'm done texturing it.