I'm doing the bunker hill quest. After everyone is dead topside except the BOS I go through a hatch in the ground. I can't use vats and I can't damage anyone. I have gone back up topside and I can kill people. Please help with solutions.
I'm doing the bunker hill quest. After everyone is dead topside except the BOS I go through a hatch in the ground. I can't use vats and I can't damage anyone. I have gone back up topside and I can kill people. Please help with solutions.
I've encountered a bug on the Ps4 where I can't kill anything, they just soak up the bullets & their health bar remains intact. Its happened a few times, resetting seems to help. Not sure if this is the same issue you are experiencing.
I've had this bug, restarting the game fixed it for me.
Restarting doesn't work for me. I don't know why it is so specific once I go into the utility basemant.