1. How will it hurt? Have it set to 'no' by default, and allow people to change it to 'yes' if they want to see the damage. It effects you in no way, so why would you limit players to you're own preference when the alternative is no different whatsoever, yet allows others to win as well? You don't want numbers, i wouldn't play with numbers, but how is having the option to do so hurting us?
Yes, Kiralyn2000 pretty much summed up my view. Must everything that we WANT be included in a game as optional? Where's does the line get drawn? My overall WANTS in a game are a good story, depth of characters and dialogue, decent (for me that's MW style) combat. Things like numbers, tatoos, hair length sliders etc. are all window dressings that I don't need, and therefore don't want. It's like paying for something that I'll never use. I see it as having to buy a mass produced vehicle (or something else) with other superfolous feattures. Why pay for something that I don't want? And indeed, if there are enough of those "other things" that makes me feel I'm not getting what I wanted, then I'll feel cheated or won't buy the product.
Also, note how many times I've said "I". I interpreted the question as what "I Want". More as a poll where I can express my opinion. Kind of like licorice...I don't like it, so I don't want it. That's OK, right?

Finally, I'm ignorant of what implementing this option woudl be in terms of programming. Yes, I'm assuming a toggle would be a 0/1 thingy. What about the floating numbers, what does it take to put that in? (which might be an animation? I truely don't know) What is the time spent in designing what they should look like, how much space they should take? Add in the same decision-making processes for all of the other "optionals" and methinks it could be a substantial ammount.
Someone in the world may not like TES games, so if they say to themselves "I don't like this game, i don't think it should be an option to buy it" how fair would that be to you if such an idea was realised?
Oy, now this part can get rolled right into democracy, free speech, illegal substances, etc. It's perfectly fine to not like something and don't think others should have an option to get it. It's my opinion, and I realise that others have different opinions as well :nod: Would it be fair if I wanted something but because others thought I shouldn't have it I can't get it? - maybe? Maybe others have better ideas about what's important (not sarcastic, nor pointing fingers) and indeed I AM better off without it :shrug: Also, as cliched as it is, life isn't fair and there are many things that can get shrugged off
Short story, it's my opinon, and I can have that opinion. Its a poll, so I cast my vote
If folks want to follow this tack further, I suggest PM's
Oy, to put something more on topic, If I play a game like X-Com, or some other slower, more tactically based games, then yes having the option would be nice. But I think in TES, this option ranks right up there with being able to customize your hair part way through the game...not very worth while.
That's my story...and I'm stickin' to it!