Post » Mon Apr 25, 2011 5:38 am

i know it would break immersion, but i play mmos and it's awesome seeing damage numbers flying around.
if they don't implement it i would maybe like a combat log also? :S
OH yea!
this is to give everyone an OPTION to use this feature! which this means that you CAN use it but you DON'T have to!
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Post » Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:46 am

i know it would break immersion, but i play mmos and it's awesome seeing damage numbers flying around.
if they don't implement it i would maybe like a combat log also? :S

As an option, it'd be nice.
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Mandy Muir
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Post » Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:45 pm

i enjoy it in certain games, but i surely wouldnt use it in a tes game
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Hussnein Amin
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Post » Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:17 pm

Can't see it happening. They are getting rid of most of the HUD, so can't imagine they would then clutter the screen up with a load of numbers.
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Post » Sun Apr 24, 2011 11:48 pm

Too MMO for me. I support Beth's move to hide numbers and HUD stuff as much as is practical in favor of more visceral feedback. You shouldn't need a hovering number to tell whether you've dealt a good or bad blow.
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Post » Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:20 pm

As an option, it'd be nice.

Add to the list comprising of a billion other options, yeah? That's all we ever do, make suggestions options so that we don't have to debate them fully. :l
If Beth did this to the majority of our suggestions, it'd be one hell of a list.
I don't see why Bethesda would ever implement something like that in the game, and I don't see the point of it. :shrug:
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Miss K
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Post » Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:57 pm

As an option, it'd be nice.

This. Don't mind as long as it is and option that I don't have too use.
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lillian luna
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Post » Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:23 am

That'd be like adding exclamation marks over Quest-giver's heads (WTF FABLE 3?!), no thanks.

Option? Sure. Would I use it? Hell no.
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Sun Apr 24, 2011 11:41 pm

A log you could view via the console would be nice but I don't think floating combat text would fit well in any TES game.
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Post » Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:57 am

That'd be like adding exclamation marks over Quest-giver's heads (WTF FABLE 3?!), no thanks.

Option? Sure. Would I use it? Hell no.

i kinda wish they had those >.< lol. i hate talking to an NPC for a super long time hoping for a quest, then not getting one >.<
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Leonie Connor
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Post » Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:52 am

i know it would break immersion, but i play mmos and it's awesome seeing damage numbers flying around.
if they don't implement it i would maybe like a combat log also? :S
OH yea!
this is to give everyone an OPTION to use this feature! which this means that you CAN use it but you DON'T have to!

I'm tired of the "option" crap.

It seems that few on this forum understand that Beth has finite time and resources with which to create a game that will take up a finite amount of memory. That means that after some point (certainly long before now) everything that they add to the game represents something else that must be sacrificed. So it's not as simple as including every hare-brained bit of nonsense everyone comes up with, just so long as it's got a toggle so that nobody else has to use it - that hare-brained bit of nonsense means that something else, and pretty much by definition something more valuable, would have to be excluded.
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Mon Apr 25, 2011 5:12 am

I voted No. Funny how you say if it's an option but you don't put Option in your poll. I say no because because I am use to not having it for a TES game so it's not needed, but for an option so when you play in the begining, you can get a feel how each weapon works differently and then you can actually see how much damage something does. Maybe it's me but I never pay attention to the bar to see how much damage was done, so I can never really tell what is better.
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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Mon Apr 25, 2011 5:19 am

I'd much prefer better visual feedback on how hard you hit a guy. Knockdowns, wounding, stuff like that. Guards that laugh at you as your puny knife glances harmlessly off their armour. Maybe a perk that shows health bars on enemies?
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.X chantelle .x Smith
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Post » Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:58 am

As an option, it'd be nice.

Options take time to develop and test.
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Alex Vincent
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Post » Sun Apr 24, 2011 11:51 pm

I'd much prefer better visual feedback on how hard you hit a guy. Knockdowns, wounding, stuff like that. Guards that laugh at you as your puny knife glances harmlessly off their armour. Maybe a perk that shows health bars on enemies?

This. I think it's the direction they're going too, going off the video and interview material we have thus far. I much prefer having the sight of my enemies, sounds they make, and expressions on their faces tell the tale of how much they are damaged, both by individual attacks and even their overall health. That said, I'm pretty sure we'll still see a health bar of sorts too, much like the one in Oblivion.
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Taylor Thompson
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Post » Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:24 pm

I never understood why anyone would want damage numbers popping up. They serve no purpose other than stating the obvious and ruining the immersion. The health meter is what's important for knowing when a mob dies or not, and even that's something you can imagine inside your head. We don't need everything handed to us, it's possible to have a freaking imagination. I mean, after killing 100+ trolls, you tend to get an idea of how long it takes for you to take down the next troll. It's not very hard.

I hate damage numbers with every inch of my soul.
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:00 am

Neh, it seems rather pointless.
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:42 pm


The action is too fast. It worked for the old Wizardrys, and I think Bauldur's Gate (can't remember if it was in), but those had slower combat.

I never understood why anyone would want damage numbers popping up. They serve no purpose other than stating the obvious and ruining the immersion. The health meter is what's important for knowing when a mob dies or not, and even that's something you can imagine inside your head. We don't need everything handed to us, it's possible to have a freaking imagination. I mean, after killing 100+ trolls, you tend to get an idea of how long it takes for you to take down the next troll. It's not very hard.

I hate damage numbers with every inch of my soul. GTFO or die in a fire, is all I have to say about it. :swear:

It's for a different style of cRPG - more of a turn-based or dice-based game, and one where I controlled a party in 3rd POV. I might be biased having come from a pnp background and a bit of tabletop wargaming as well.
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Julie Ann
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Post » Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:35 am

Well Todd say thats enemy will react in better way in combat to become more life like.
I believe Skyrim will have special anims for wounded enemies as well as blood decals,
so we can visually see how much damage they take.
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Lavender Brown
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Post » Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:41 am

I don't mean to be a downer, but... naah....
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Hussnein Amin
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Post » Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:25 am

The key thing people are overlooking is TOGGLE. No one would be forced to play with numbers floating around, so for people who are saying they don't want to see the numbers, nothing would change. I wouldn't play with it turned on, but i don't see the harm in allowing it to be a possibility for those who would play with it turned on.
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Janette Segura
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Post » Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:31 pm

Here I thought he thread was about swords dealing 10 damage.. as in 10 as a number. That is the only way by doing it so thought you had something against it ad thouhgt of comming here to tell you that nooooooo.

But..Flying numbers? Oh unholy Alduin, please no fairy wings numbers in TES. Not even as an option, it'd clutter my options menu..
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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:01 am

As an option? Sure, I wouldn't use it but theres no harm in having the option there for people who do.
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Post » Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:21 am

Random pondering.... did anyone ever make a mod for this in Oblivion?

(I'm not really fond of the idea, personally. Yeah, I'm a "numbers" guy, and wouldn't have minded being able to see a combat log or something, but flying numbers on the screen just doesn't feel TES.... it feels more "super-combo-action-game")
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Mon Apr 25, 2011 6:34 am

No. Its not a game feature I particularly dislike, I just don't think it would suit TES at all.
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