I was wondering if anyone used the absorb or damage stamina weapons and or potions in the game. Are they effective at all? I haven't tried them out. I'm curious about how they work. Do opponents hit for less damage if their stamina is low?
I was wondering if anyone used the absorb or damage stamina weapons and or potions in the game. Are they effective at all? I haven't tried them out. I'm curious about how they work. Do opponents hit for less damage if their stamina is low?
No absorb potions, but there are damage stamina potions
Both are available for weapon enchants, but allvthey really do is reduce the oopponen'ts ability to perform power attacks if you constantly attack before they regenerate their stamina (since power attacks require at least 1 stamina to happen)
magicka damage/absorb does stop dragons from using frost/fire breath attacks
In previous games (Oblivion, for ex) if an opponent's stamina was reduced below zero, they would fall down and pass out until it regained. It doesn't work that way in Skyrim.
Stamina during battle is a questionable asset, because power attacks can be executed once every 4 seconds, no matter your stamina pool or current stamina level. Nonetheless, for a fast attacking weapon like a dagger, this will be of greater service as it will allow for chained PA. This is less of a boon for heavy hitters with a slow attack, like hammers, as one will be hard pressed to execute a PA and get set for the next one within the standard 4 second interval.
In either case, it's not a real game changer as far as preventing an enemy from PAing, as they can do one every few seconds too. Besides, by the time you have hit them enough to deplete their poll, chances are you've already killed them anyway.
The weapons that are enchanted with any form of stamina effect work the same. That is, they all transfer the given amount of stamina form the target to the player character, be that from damage stamina or an absorb stamina.. I can only assume that it works the same with poisons as poisons are mechanically granted the same as magic.
Absorb stamina is GAME BREAKINGLY GOOD.
Got a sword and board character?
Simply enchant your sword with Absorb 1 health.
Every time you swing and hit, you get 1 stamina - instant power attack or shield bash.
Rinse. Repeat.
Damage Stamina isn't that useful to me. Most enemy powerattacks can be easily avoided, and as above, they will be able to power attack pretty soon after you stack loads of damage stamina poisons to get them to 0.