» Fri May 27, 2011 11:04 am
I think the current formula is alright, all characters have a certain amount of hit points, and if you run out, you die. It's not the most realistic way to do things, but it works for the game. Now, I wouldn't mind if either the amount of health all characters as a whole have was scaled down a bit, or damage was increased a bit, essentially, fights can become too drawn out in Oblivion. And one can often find oneself hitting powerful enemies dozens of times, and, judging from all the blood stains you've seen, they should have bled to death if nothing else, yet they still stand. Fights should end quicker, but not to the point where health loses its value. It shouldn't get to the point where every battle at high levels is of epic proportions, but if you die in one or two hits whether you have 50 health or 100, it won't be good either.