Damge scaling, Companio damge, little to do about everything

Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 11:03 am

I'm a mid'ish level of 104, but the on level enemies are not simple to kill due to damage limitations of the weapons. I now have to solely use a 2-shot plasma rifle. Any other lower DPS weapons with any mods are officially useless (only I have yet to explore the "Junkie" mod, so MAYBE that approach works). I'm thinking around level 200 i'd have to switch to the Big Boy to drop any enemy. Is this limitation by design, or did someone forget to think through the no level cap?

I noticed my companion seems to do full damage with a Gauss rifle, while I on the other hand have to charge it. I have no idea how companion damage is determined but my companion does a high DPS than me thanks to the Gauss rifle (btw, can the Gauss drop with the 2shot mod?).

Lastly...where is all the content!! I literally can't find anything left to do in the game and I'm only at 90 hours...insanely low for a Fallout. I don't think it's a secret that the game was tremendously rushed, but still there's soooo little to do that it simply feels like a nice size expansion. Maybe it's my age, but I was honestly expecting a rushed/buggy game, but I was not expecting the latest Fallout to be the smallest.
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KU Fint
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:28 pm

You're at level 104 in 90 hours!?! How is that possible? I'm over 80 hours and only level 51.
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 3:49 pm

Well, it's as you'd think. Keep intelligence at 1 and idiot sevant your way through all quest rewards for 5x XP (but at higher levels the 3x for kills becomes exteremely substaintial, extrememly!). The first person I romanced was Piper for her XP (Hey, every little bit adds up). For caps, I built shops immediately to the point that the revenue from the shops were paying for even more shops. And for ammo, I just kept upping the damage on the rifle to use less and less ammo (crit, silenced, sneak, etc.). With the stores, idiot savant, and the general upshots of 10 points in luck (ammo, critical, dodge, etc...), I was a level 50 at around 24 hours (the hardest part was scrapping weapons for mods, being I couldn't create them do to low intelligence...but it wasn't that hard). With how fast you level up, between your health and defenses, you become tanky and over powered very quickly. However, like I mentioned, things change at level 100'ish. It takes about 4 or 5 crit hits with a 2-shot plasma rifle to kill a Mythic Deathclaw, and a level 103 Legendary Assaultron pretty much requires the Cyrolater to get under control (good luck without it).

There's a lot unfinished, broken, and buggy, but were we not expecting that? I was, and I still loved the adventure. But, what whouldn't be possible is being 90hrs in and having absolutely nothing to do besides the ever infinite faction quests. I might of took more advantage of what was available than I should have, but I always have in all Fallout games, so I wouldn't notice any other way. However, I do notice how long the adventure lasts in each one.

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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 4:38 pm

Well you power leveled.

100+ is past end game level, (i think the enemies top out at like 60), and your choices to prioritized XP are not "typical" most people get some INT for the crafting perks for example.

Also I find it unlikely that you've actually visited every location and done every side-quest in the amount of time stated. There are a lot of both. But assuming that's true, well. Congraduations?

You may consider staring a new character and exploring alternative styles.

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evelina c
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 11:43 am

To be honest, the way you play doesn't sound like fun to me. kudos if it works for you. I have more time in than you, and I'm level 37. There is a *lot* of content, admittedly a bit repetitive, but still a lot. I wish for Little Lamplight level stuff, but there is stil a lot to do. Building and settlements take up at least half of my time, if not more.

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kitten maciver
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 9:38 am

Well, you broke the game essentially lol. Lack of level cap doesn't mean the game is actually meant to be played infinitely. Damage is never going to scale correctly. I still do not see any way you could have explored the whole map and have done all the side quests in 90 hours.
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:17 am

Stealth maxed, ninja maxed, sand man maxed with sneak bobblehead, all sneak magazines, and all darkened muffled armor, silenced weapons works well with double shot weapons.

Ps. I hate synth stealth armor cause I like seeing my iron sights.
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 3:36 pm

"Stealth maxed, ninja maxed, sand man maxed with sneak bobblehead, all sneak magazines, and all darkened muffled armor, silenced weapons works well with double shot weapons."

You can't really sneak 2 assulttrons hanging out. Or 3 deathskull scorpions and a mythic deathclaw already in battle :-) I can kill them all still, but it's looking grim for future enemy levels.

Level 104 isn't really that high if you're playing it the way I do (I know I'm far from alone with this play style). Being a level 104, I saw level 103 enemies a lot (think I might of saw a 107...could of mistakened a 3 for a 7 though). It wasn't until I was a level 100 until I saw deathskulls scorpions and mythic deathclaws, so I'm not sure if every 50 levels spawns new named enemies.

"Damage is never going to scale correctly. I still do not see any way you could have explored the whole map and have done all the side quests in 90 hours."

Correct, I don't think the damage can. I have no real way of knowing what there is to uncover, but last I looked I had discovered something like 340 locations and have searched a good amount of area around each one (~100 meters) for random NPC's to give me quests or not (like the skylines woman, the traveling armorer, fake Preston, etc...). EDIT: I have also scoured almost every inch of the ocean floors. There some weird stuff down there, stuff in resemblence of Fallout 3 (Or might of been New Vegas).

Anyhow, I'll be fine unilt level 150, which at that point I might turn my eyes to Just Cause 3 (looks fun).

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