**Here There Be Spoilers**(for those who have not played)
I just played through version
First of all, I loved it... now I'll get on your poll. (excuse the pun... look what this mod did to me?!

1. Have you had the Evie Crash Bug?
- If so, were you able to proceed in the quest?Yes, it happened 5 times before I was able to initiate dialog before it could crash.
2. Have you had problems getting Evie to follow you to the chapel?
- Were you able to get her there in the end?
- - If so, what did you do to get her there?
- Have you had any other problems with 'losing' the companions?She had problems getting there. She didn't really walk, but stuttered around with no animation. She still followed, but was clearly not having an easy time.
Same on the way back, and Arnard fell through the ground once outside the Chapel, but soon re-appeared.
3. Did Gwen or Diren attack you in the Reception scene?No, but Gwen was in a fighting stance. I could still talk to her though.
4. Did you find any part of the quest boring or infuriating?
- If so, which?The start was a little slow, because I choose to be indecisive about loving Arnard. Waiting 48 hours again and again to initiate new dialog went on for too long.
Once the zombies appeared, it was very hard. I was level 2 and not until the companions were fully geared was I able to survive.
5. Were you lost or confused at any point in the quest?
- If so, when?Was Peria supposed to give me a sword to kill Rolfgeir the Rancid? She didn't. I had to kill him with the console.
6. Have you been able to get the puppy to do tricks after feeding?Yes.
But even when I have no Rat Meat he still takes some from me. He won't perform tricks without real meat, but he still removes imaginary Rat Meat when chosen with normal dialogue option to give him meat, when I clearly have none.
7. Have you tried getting the companions to teleport anywhere?
- Did it work?yes, it seemed to work fine.
8. Have you noticed any pathing issues in the new locations?Around the Chapel it was basically chaos. They didn't like walking and sometimes fell into the ground.
9. Have you been getting any strange expression errors?
- Does it happen every time?Finding Arnard down in the cave caused an error "somthing_ghostfence" I could click 'Yes' pass it.
It happened both times I did that part.
10. Did you enjoy the mod?Yes! It was
very funny, and well made. The Cove was beautifully made.
The interruption at the wedding had me laughing so hard. It was like a bit from Monty Python. :rofl:
Only thing I recommend is to make some of the interiors more unique.
Specifically, the upper rooms of the Silver Fairy Inn. Despite having some uniqueness, I could tell they were copied from Shank's Shovel in Caldera. The small storage closet/room was identical, and the cabinets in the big bedroom were identically placed. (including the 'common ring' perched on the edge of the closet.)
The cave where you fight Rolfgier the Rancid was way too much like the cave under The Fatleg Drop-Off. Same book, same rocks, same wood platforms.
Other than those small things, it was great. I hope my answers helped. I look forward to playing it again when it's finished.