Changes I'm making today:
- Changing the blackout/textbox "Arnand suddenly hugs you and runs off" to Arnie casting a teleportation spell and disappearing. I just think it would work better and be a bit less jarring.
- Addition of armory/practice area to caverns
- Checking puppy dialogue/scripts
Checked - The rat-meat is removed when the puppy performs the tricks; the 'you don't have any meat' dialogue only shows if you don't have any on you. I don't understand why that wouldn't work.- Investigation of Activator10 error message. I honestly can't work out why it would cause that error message ("not found") - it's there, it's a persistent reference. Any ideas?
- "Magic field" for caverns scene - addition of visual effect
- Reduction of DisablePlayerControls in wedding speech
- Checking doors on the inn are the right way round
- Considered (and rejected) plan to remove Companion Share from Arnie until after the bedroom scene - it just isn't practical if you're carrying stuff, or if you plan to walk to Balmora from Pelagiad.
- Checking Tarhiel script - additional global script-check added. I've also added another couple of seconds to the time it takes him to react, as he was commenting too quickly.
- Two new topics "my friend Gwen" and "Diren Berethi" added for Arnie once he's become your Companion. Random responses to flesh out character.
- Addition of script to Hasphat letter to see whether player has read it or not.
I can't actually find anywhere a line in dialogue where Arnie accuses the player of reading the note. If you find it, please can you post exactly where it falls?Thanks as always