I know I have been playing FO3 to much when I dream about it. In the dream I had created a variant of the Mesmatron called the Danceatron. Instead of putting the target into a trance it made them dance. When used the target lost 5 hp a second with the head being the target. If they died, their head exploded. Sometimes it had an area of effect hitting three or four targets at a time. The song played was either Carameldansen (Fastmix) or Dragostea Din Tei (Numa Numa song) - played the whole song until over or targets died. The part I remember most was a bunch of ferals doing the Carameldance and their heads popping at different times. The weapon also allowed you to escape a powerful enemy while it danced. For whatever reason it worked on bots and scorpions too. It was a wierd dream. If I ever get the skills I'll do it. If someone else wants to do it, please do.
My guess as to why I dreamt it, is my character spent 30 minutes real time running from never ending albino scorpion attacks near Old Olney. I try to play hardcoe rules so I limit the weapons and ammo carried. I ran out of ammo on the fourth albino scorpion. MMM screwed me.