I want to know if it's intentional. I want to side with the institute, but Danse is my go-to guy. If I completed Blind Betrayal, is he supposed to ignore me and we can only trade and nothing else? Up to after I killed Maxson, i can still talk to him, but after I blow up the ship, he can no longer talk and can only trade. Is it supposed to happen? Like he's supposed to be hostile toward you or was he supposed to just not care since he's not a part of the organization anymore? I want to go back to a previous save and choose a different faction for my main save if that's the case.
Also, I feel like Danse should have different dialogues after Blind Betrayal since almost all the companions want to help and protect him, but he's still being a jerk to them all and say stuffs like he's still a part of the BoS.