Posting this here because I'm encountering this problem while creating stuff.
So I'm getting areas that are completely shadowed even though they shouldn't be. If I move around or look around some in them they're sometimes flickering from normal lightning to shadowed. Basically I think that the areas are lit depending if I look in very specific angles at them, causing the area to blink if I move around. Some doesn't seem to be lit at all.
I'm currently building a house and a dungeon, I'm using temporary light sources to see how things look. I use Cihdna mine flicker as test light for no specific reason.
I don't think it could have to do with any of my installed mods or the ENB as I've seen this before in rare areas before I began to start modding Skyrim at all, although pretty rarely. But I guess I shouldn't rule out that. I'm using Realvision ENB the previous version as I haven't updated it yet.
Are these areas caused by a certain type of light? I've tried to move around my light sources in every way and it has minimal impact on these flicker areas.
I'll post some image examples
Comparison. The area is shadowed if I move around the camera just slightly but stays the same way if I don't move.
Same thing
These stones are dark no matter what. I should also add that these are two seperate units.
The floorboards are on the same height level which makes this pretty wierd.
They only flicker from this corner. Comparison.
Here I'm standing with a torch.. surrounded by this shadow.
Is there a fix to this? Seems like certain angles are ridden with these shadows.
I'd be so greatful if someone has a solution.