Excellent! This is really starting to look like a finalized RP, and I now believe I have the requisite information to form up my character. I think I'll hang out with Half Tooth's group, if for no other reason than that I would like to get away from Cyrodiil for the time being.
But which powers to choose? They all look so tempting

Some of the greater powers just look like enhanced versions of the minor powers, although I think the ability to control humans should be a little bit more difficult to obtain than controlling animals. I'd think animals would be easier to control :shrug: Regardless, this still looks great, and I'll have my CS in soon :goodjob:
EDIT: I see what you mean, and I had a hunch that was what it was. Well then, I can't say I am inclined to take up either of them, but I am very much wanting to go to Morrowind. Besides, that's where most of the clans are situated, are they not?
PS How many werewolves are there? The emphasis seems to very quickly be focusing on the vampires and their clans, and the guild of Dark creatures and werewolves are fading into the background. Because if that is the case, I suggest we take to one way or the other, and not float in this limbo. Either re-empasize the non-vampire aspects or make it entirely vampiric, I'd say. Not really an opinion of mine, just stating that that seems to be where this is headed, and I would want to avoid problems on the part of our were-friends. Thanks.