So here is all the information (apart from one bit I still need to work on) for the RP, let me know if you're interested in joining because it's first come first serve really so I'll make a not just here of how many places are left.
Places Left: None
People next in the reserve list:
-Lord Dren
We will be in 2 groups in different parts of Tamriel. The reason for having groups is so that instead of having 20 characters in one place we have 2 groups of 7 or 8 and you will start off RPing with these people, you wont be stuck with them for the enitre RP but for the first couple of threads we will stick to these groups so that it's like 2 mini PRs in one place.
Half Tooth's Group (Starting in Morrowind):
-Lord Veneficus'
Uglius Maximus' Group (Starting in Cyrodil):
-Jerod Kayne
-Cookies Ahoy
The Basic Story
Lamae, the first vampire and also the first were-creature has been in a deep sleep underground for many centuries but now she is stirring and waking, wanting to undo the injustice done to her by the daedric princes.
However Lamae was treated terribly and seeks to understand why she was given the existence of a damned soul.
Lamae's return does bring some benefits though; all the vampires and were-creatures in Tamriel have powers within them lying dormant. These powers have always been there but they have been inaccessible, until now. As Lamae grows stronger, the powers inside all the dark blooded creatures do too.
Vampire powers include:
(see the below list of greater powers)
-general strength and power increase.
-Were-Creature powers include:
- Being able to change at will
- Keeping more and more of their human mind in were-creature form. (The more of their human mind they have, the more they will be able to understand people speaking to them while they are in creature form)
-General strength increase (stronger, faster, heightened senses...etc)
Our characters are unaware of any of this however, and only know Lamae under the title of Blood Matron and even then she is just a fragile whisper of a legend, no one believes she really exists, so when our characters start gaining new powers and becoming stronger they are confused as to what is going on. Their best hope of an answer is to find out as much as possible about their past which will eventually lead them to Lamae: Blood Matron, first vampire and first were-creature.
The More in Depth Story: Legend of Lamae
Lamae, an innocent virgin of Skyrim was favoured by Vaermina who adored her white skin and raven black hair, Vaermina longed to make Lamae a beautiful seducer, a huntress of the night.
Molag Bal knew of Vaermina's adoration for Lamae, and decided to use her, he could help Vaermina and spite Arkay at the same time. So one night he walked Nirn in human form disguised as a man just as elegant as she.
When he found her, he ravished her body, profaning it in every horrifying way. Lamae's screams and cries became the wind, she could do nothing to stop Bal and by the morning she was sick.
Lamae was found and cared for by the people of her village but there was nothing they could do other than keep her warm and looked after. On the third day of her sickness Lamae died, the villagers took her body to be burnt.
When the fire was lit, it raged around her body, Lamae opened her eyes and saw what was happening. She stood up from her funeral pyre with her skin still ablaze, and stalked the village eating the eyes of the children, killing the women and [censored] the men as cruelly as Molag Bal had [censored] her.
It was then, that Lamae became the Blood Matron, and the first vampire.
Molag Bal who felt satisfied with his work, cursed Lamae with eternal life in which to suffer in.
Although Vaermina disagreed with Molag Bal's methods, she was pleased that Lamae had become a terrible creature of the night. She blessed Lamae, giving her everlasting beauty as long as she drank the blood of the living, and gave her the ability to hear the thoughts of mortals and play with their minds. Vaermina also took away Lamae's mortal bodily functions (like the need to eat and breath etc...) meaning she could not be killed the way a mortal can be killed which, in Vaermina's eyes made her a perfect nightmarish horror.
Namira heard of what had happened and made Lamae into a shadowed spirit and taught her how to hide herself in the dark as well as become the darkness in a mist like form. She did not want Lamae to venture into the light and so gave her a terrible weakness to sunlight forcing her to only come out at night.
When Nocturnal saw what the other daedra had done to Lamae, she immediately fell in love (figure of speech, not literally) with her and put into Lamae her love of darkness, she allowed Lamae to see perfectly in the dark as though it were day and taught her how to hide herself from mortal eyes, using the darkness as her shroud.
Mephla the web spinner saw a perfect opportunity in front of him, he gave Lamae the ability to trick mortals and bend them to her will, as well as being able to plant ideas in their heads controlling mortals to do what she wanted them to. Mephla blessed Lamae only for his own amusemant and entertainment.
Although Hermaeus Mora was not at all interested in creatures of the night, he was interested in knowledge and knew that with all her powers, Lamae would quickly learn many things about the world so he decided to watch over her in order to learn what he could from her and store it in his forbidden library of knowledge.
Arkay, trusted with the balance of life and death, could see that Lamae would easily break the balance and made it so that wood would poison her. The simplest and most useful element to mortals would easily bring her down when touching her skin and would kill her almost instantly if it pierced her heart. Arkay was saddened by her and wished he could undo what the daedra had made her into, but he promised to watch over her as long as she only took the blood of the sick and of murders, rapists and those who had given up their right to life.
After many years of Lamae's blessed and cursed wandering of the earth Hircine saw what a beautiful huntress she had become, he loved the way she hunted and he thought she would also make extremely exciting prey so he went to her and gave her one final power.
On every night of the full moon, as soon as the moonlight touched her skin she would become a half beast, half human and she would hunt the living at night whilst during the day she would become the hunted. Hircine gave her the choice of which creature she could become each full moon and also taught her how to change into a were-beast whenever she wished.
However, Hircine is a deadric prince and he bestowed a weakness upon Lamae, which would allow him to hunt her if he chose to. He gave her a weakness to silver weapons for his spear was made of silver and he planned to hunt her one day, it would be the greatest hunt of them all.
And so Lamae became the source of all were creatures and all vampires, she turned more mortals into nightmarish horrors by drinking their blood and letting them drink hers and every full moon she savagely attacked the people of Tamriel turning them into were-wolves, were-bears, were-boars, were-vultures, were-lions and occasionally were-sharks.
She was feared by all, she could travel far and wide and hide herself from mortal eyes, her wrath never wavered for she could not understand what had happened to her or why and so Lamae let others feel her anger and hatred of herself.
As her condemned diseases passed on to others, were-bears roamed the mountains of Skyrim and High rock and the mighty Jerall mountains of Cyrodil, were-crocodiles filled the swamps of the Black Marsh sometimes being mistaken for aggressive argonians, Were-lions also stalked the Black Marsh as well as the wetter parts of Elsweyr and could even be found in Cyrodil, were-vultures flew about the grand forests of Valenwood, were-boars became feared throughout High Rock and Hammerfell and were-sharks became the most terrifying of all sea creatures.
But her favourite form, and also Hircine's favourite, was the wolf; a graceful but savage beast capable of running with the wind and tracking prey by scent over great distances, being able to work alone or in a pack to bring down the prey. Lamae loved the wolf more than any of the others which made her werewolf spawn more common and more widely spread than the other were-forms.
After walking the earth for a thousand years she realised that no one could help her or end her unbearable existence. She grew tired of being hunted by the children of the Nine and by the people she had affected demanding answers of her that she didn't have. So she starved herself of blood and buried herself deep underground away from everyone and she slept peacefully undisturbed by the world.
Although her spawn continued to spread the diseases, time is the greatest healer and as generations grew from new born to elder they forgot the nightmare that was Lamae until she became a legend, her name forgotten just the title of Blood Matron a vague whisper in the wind.
The longer Lamae slept, the weaker her children became, losing some of their powers while others just grew dulled.
Today is a century after the Oblivion Crisis, the empire is stable and a new Emperor was found to rule Tamriel. (I'm not big on politics of any kind so I'll just leave it as that)
But beneath the ground an ancient darkness stirs. Lamae is waking and bringing with her the older powers and a determination to understand what she is.
However our characters are unaware of any of this. The idea of there being a 'first vampire' or a 'first werewolf' is almost laughable none of the vampires or were-creature in Tamriel have any idea how their kind came to exist or that they are weaker than they are supposed to be, so when they start gaining old powers and becoming stronger they are going to want to know why.
Vampires are not simply over powered people. Personally I think a vampire character shouldn't just be done as a mortal character but with new strengths and weaknesses, vampires think differently, see things differently, have different motives and goals to a mortal. So here are the basics of vampires:
-The Porphyric Hemophillia disease kills the mortal body meaning that vampires are immortal creatures
-Vampires cannot eat or drink anything except blood. Eating or drinking anything except blood causes them much discomfort and pain to get rid of unwanted substances from their bodies.
-Vampires need blood to function and move amongst mortals. Blood keeps their cells alive, so the less blood they have in their systems the more and more dead they are going to look.
-Vampires can exist without drinking blood, but they will eventually fall into a deep coma like sleep where they will appear to be completely dead to any mortal. They can sleep for eternity if they so wish and even be buried underground. They can be woken from their sleep with blood (however as this is mostly irrelevant I won't spend ages explaining it)
-Vampires are weak to wood. Wooden weapons will leave them bruised and weak, bruises from wood will come up twice as badly as it would on a mortal. If a wooden weapon pierces their heart they become poisoned by it and die shortly afterwards.
-There are just 3 ways a vampire can die If their head is removed completely from their body, if wood pierces their heart or sunlight damage. However if the ashes of the sunburnt vampire are collected and buried underground the vampire may resurrect himself. If your vampire character finds themselves in a pretty bad looking situation and you're not sure if they would live or die, if it's not one of the reasons I listed above then they can live through it, someway somehow

If you have a vampire character they must have a bloodline, their bloodline defines them as a vampire and gives them unique abilities amongst their kind.
However, don't get mixed up between bloodlines and clans. Your vampire has to have a bloodline but they don't have to be in a clan, they can be a lone vampire if that is what you wish, someone who has simply never joined a clan or maybe doesn't even know that clans exist.
Aundae The magically gifted of the vampire race, Although they can handle weapons perfectly well they feel much more comfortable depending on spells and occasionally using a short blade or their body to fight with.
They are not the strongest of the bloodlines but they are definitely more gifted in mind and illusion magic and they prefer to hunt their prey in this manner.
Quarra The Quarra's are the opposite of the Andae they could learn to use magic if they so wished, but they feel much more at ease wielding a claymore, or something big and heavy like a halberd.
They are generally more aggressive and they have never heard of the word 'subtle' but that doesn't mean they are nasty vampires, no they would just rather be upfront and hunt their prey as brutally as possible
Berne The Berne bloodline is the reason the people of Tamriel have nightmares about vampires. They are masters of stealth, sliding through the night silently and stalking their prey from a distance before pouncing in.
Although they can use magic and heavy weapons they feel more comfortable wielding something they can hide in the shadows with.
CyrodilicThe Cyrodilic vampires are neither here nor there, they are generally well rounded and are capable of all the things the other bloodlines specialise in, but not to the same extent. However a Cyrodilic vampire can go longer without blood, and when they do drink blood it makes them appear far more human than the other bloodlines.
OtherIf you are a real lore buff or you just know of the other vampire clans and you want your vampire to be of one of those bloodline then feel free to, but include a brief explanation of that bloodline and its strengths and weaknesses.
If you want your vampire to be in a clan, and they are of the Andae, Quarra, Berne or 'other' bloodline they must be in the appropriate clan (Aundae, Berne, Quara or 'other')
Cyrodilic Vampires cannot join a clan, although they maybe have formed a group with other Cyrodilic vampires but as that is irrelevant, Cyrodilic vampires can't join any clans so you can delete the clan bit on your character sheet.
Vampire Powers:
As well as you're bloodline bonuses you may also choose one minor power and one major power from the list for your vampire to have. Hpwever Major powers will only become availible once Lamae has surfaced and I have made an OOC post to announce you can use them.
Minor Powers:
-Vastly increased strength
-Vastly increased magicka
-Vastly increased speed and agility
-The ability to manipulate mortal minds including hypnosis
-The ability to walk through walls
-The ability to change their body shape, size and dimensions. (useful for fitting through tight spaces or hiding)
-The ability to scale walls with ease
-The ability to drain the life force of a mortal
Major Powers:
-The ability to transform into mist
-The ability to transform into an inanimate object no bigger than the vampire. (generally smallish objects)
-The ability to transform into a creature no bigger than the vampire (no lions, tigers, guars, or whales

-The ability to take on the appearance of a child
-The ability to fly
-The ability to control and possess animals
-The ability to curse things, like animal's people and crops
-The ability to cause plagues.
Were- Creatures
Were-creatures are not immortal, but they do have longer life spans than their racial counter parts. The basics of were-creatures:
-Were-creatures only become their half man half beast forms on the night of a full moon Hircine commands that the full moon is the night of the hunt because hunting at night is more fun but the light of the full moon provides the most light.
Even when Lamae later returns, and were-creatures can change at will they are still forced to change on the night of the full moon.
-Were-creatures only change if the moonlight touches their skin If they remain out of the moonlight they will not change, simple as that.
-Were-creatures regenerate faster than ordinary mortals when in person form that can heal faster than usual but not drastically faster, however when in beast form that can regenerate health and their wounds heal three times as fast as usual.
-Were-creatures are weak to silver In their person form they can wear silver jewellery and wield silver weapons if they want, but after a while it will irritate them, it will make their skin red and itchy and if they are in contact with it for too long it can make them sick. However in their beast forms it is much worse. Silver drawn the blood out of them and poisons them. If they're skin is pierced by silver it's unlikely they will survive.
Playable were-creatures:
If you want a were-creature character then preferably pick a werewolf but if you want to try something new you can be any of these. They are all mentioned in Elder Scrolls Lore so I thought it might be interesting to just have more than vampires and werewolves. However I don't know that much about them other than where you're most likely to find them, so you can either research it a bit or make it up as you go along.
You can play as a;
But no were-sharks.
If your chosen were-creature has fur you don't have to stick to brown or anything. Over the years They will have evolved, white fur will be found in snowy areas, sandy fur might be found in the desert, grey fur might be found in rocky areas. You can be inventive but I'm afraid you can't be fluorescent pink with yellow spots

The Dark Blood Guild
The Dark Blood guild is not a bloodline, but it does work in a similar way to a clan for vampires, except that it is also open to were-creatures.
It was founded by a group of vampires shortly after Lamae was created. They were cast out by society and finding others like themselves was so amazing for them that they banded together to try and understand their nature and where they came from. They built a guild hall, a gathering and meeting place deep within the Jerall Mountains away from prying mortal eyes. They enchanted it so that only they would be able to find it and they called themselves the Dark Blood Guild.
Over the years more vampires joined them, they allowed only the ones who sought answers to join, not the blood thirsty and vengeful.
After the guild had existed for 800 years, Sirius (my character) took over the guild and after leading it for 1000 years he opened it up to were-creatures too, thinking it was unfair to exclude them.
(This bit really needs more work, but I'll add some more to it at a later point the main thing you need to know is it's a guild open to were-creatures and vampires and works the same way as a clan. It also has ranks... yer this is badly written because I'm tired but I will edit this soon)
Character Sheet
Fill in all the sections accordingly but fee free to delete the ones irrelevant to your character. You can post your sheets to me or post them in this thread. But when I open the actual Role Pay thread, you should not post them there or I'll eb very frowny at you

Name: (Your character's full name at the present day.)
Previous name(s): (if you're character had a different name before they became a vampire, or they changed their name for some other reason)
Race: (Preferably just stick to the standard 10 races, if you have another idea PM me about it. However as my character is a Mystic elf, Mystic elves are allowed too)
Birthsign: (Choose carefully because your characters birth sign should affect their personality, traits and skills.)
Bloodline: (Aundae, Berne, Quarra, Cyrodilic or other)
Clan: (Unless you picked other, your vampire can only be in their bloodline clan or the Dark Blood guild.)
Rank: (their rank in your chosen clan)
Faction: (If you want your character to be a member of any other faction, mages guild, house hlaalu, dark brotherhood... etc)
Rank: (their rank in your chosen faction)
Height: (in feet or cm)
Hair: (style, length and colour)
Eyes: (colour and any other details you want to include)
Skin: (tone and any other details you want to include)
Build: (tall, muscular, short, stocky.... etc)
Class: (The title your character would give themselves if asked)
Class description: (Just a brief outline of your characters class and capabilities)
Skills: (These don't have to be in game skills, you can have cooking and carpentry for example. I am not one for reducing things to numbers but please also put a number between 0-100 to show how much your character knows about a particular skill. Please be sensible and choose a maximum of 10 skills of less.)
Apparel: (Your characters clothing/armour)
Weapons: (Your characters primary and secondary weapons, magic counts as a weapon)
Inventory: (Things your character carries with them, including money and potions.. etc)
Misc: (Any other information relating to your character which doesn't fit anywhere else)
Personality/traits: (a quick outline of your characters most noticeable traits)
Bio: (Tell us your characters background and any events that have influenced them)
Hstory: (Anything that changes your character in any way during the RP can be included here, so for now just leave it blank)
I have left out the rules for now, because they are the standard ones but I will add them to the actual RP.
Character so far
Cookies Ahoy:
Elliana Belmont:
A 22 year old Breton werewolf who grew up in the Imperial City. She is a swordswoman with conjuring capabilities, she makes sure her opinions are heard and can sometimes be quite impatient.
She was bitten only recently whilst working for the Imperial Legion and has become a stray werewolf hiding from passers by in the countryside.
Robert Codsworth:
A sarcastic 73 year old Breton Vampire, bitten 50 years ago. He is very pale and bears a scar over his left eye. Although he knows how to fight he would really prefer not to and tries to avoid situations which result in a fight where possible. When he was alive he was a foot soldier in the Imperial Legion trying his best to keep law and order but when he was bitten he decided moral codes and ethics were a thing of the past for him.
Uglius Maximus:
Nytt Valeci:
One of the older vampires, he is a mystic elf aged 1175. Nytt is a capable hunter with both ranged and melee skills. He is easy going and laid back about most things, often acting quite goofy and making jokes, but is he very trustworthy and will put his life on the line for his friends. Nytt has been in the Dark Blood Guild for nearly his whole life as a vampire.
Lord Venificus:
Acerbus Occisor:
Another Fang in the Dark Blood Guild, Acerbus is a 837 year old imperial Vampire who is an excellent swordsman, he is also very good at repairing things. He is always kind and calm and will remain civil in any argument and few people ever see his bad side. In his spare time Acerbus loves to play the lute.
Jamaal Arhano:
A 29 year old redguard who grew up in Hammerfel. Although both his parents were members of the Morag Tong, Jamaal joined the Dark brotherhood and became an experienced assassin mostly fighting with a long blade. He is very toned and muscular especially on his legs and bears a thick scar along his right forearm as well as one beneath his left eye.
Jerod Kayne:
Benedictus Percian:
An argonian vampire who is 63 years old and was bitten at the age of 27. He is a freelance vampire who is 6ft in height and also very muscular, he is covered in scars and scratches but the most noticeable one is on across his snout. He is both a knight and a monk and knows how to use a blade. Benedictus has renamed himself 'Black Templar'.
Darion Rayner:
Darion is a 31 year old Imperial were-bear who used to be a bandit; he knows how to use a long blade and also how to hold his liquor. He has recently let himself become rather scruffy looking with untamed hair and stubble. He can be quite sarcastic at times but his outlook on life is generally positive.
Sondil Telind:
A 34 year old Altmer who has abnormally pale skin and paled hair from his occupation. In his spare time he likes to dig up dead bodies and study them. He is a skilled necromancer who can also use destruction. He has a very loyal pet named Oberon who is fiercely loyal to his master.
Maglir is a 132 year old bosmer vampire. He is neither attractive nor unattractive and likes to feed regularly to blend in with mortals. His primary goal is hiw own safety and pleasure and he rarely gets angry unless it's at his own mistakes. He sees himself as a noble hero and distrusts his fellow vampires. His dress sense is very..... eccentric.
A young argonian, 25 years of age. He is an adventurer and likes to explore which has caused him to become accomplished at fighting. He is very tall and muscular and he doesn't get scared easily. He's very open and usually high spirited although he prefers to work alone. He was born in the blach marsh and now makes a living out of adventuring.
Hans Svenson:
Hans is a vampire nord, bitten at the age of 11, although his actual age is 51. He is therefore trapped in a young adolescent body for eternity. He is a member of the thieves guild and uses his small size and agility to his advantage. His mind is both mature and that of a child, he looks to grown men as heroes but is envious of them at the same time.
Half Tooth:
Sirius/ Moon-Eye:
He is a mystic elf vampire, the oldest one in existence (aside from Lamae) he has one completely white eye and a deep scar running the full length of his torso. Sirius has learnt a lot in his long life and there isn't much he hasn't seen, he has a way with words and is especially skilled with both long and short blades and can chameleon himself easily.
Veren Serendas:
A 200 year old dunmer vampire whose name was previously Nerendas Dren, from the rich and well known Dren family. He was bitten as a young advlt and is a member of the Dark Blood guild. He is also a member of the Morag tong and the Dark Borthhood, he conceals the fact that he is in opposing guilds as he uses his contracts as a place to get blood
Race: Mystic Elf Vampire
Gender: Male
Age: Oldest Vampire in existence (aside from Lamae) so age is of no importance to him really.
Birthsign: The Shadow
Bloodline: Berne
Clan: Dark Blood Guild
Rank: Leader
Height: 1.87m of 6ft 1" (he's very tall)
Hair: Straight shoulder length hair that a very pale silver colour.
Eyes: His right eye is a silvery blue while the other eye has no iris and no pupil it is just marble white.
Skin: Extremely pale skin with just a hint of colour.
Tattoos/scars: Over the years Sirius has been covered in scars but his most prominent one is a scar that goes from the top of his left shoulder blade across his chest to his right hip.
Build: Incredibly tall, because of his height he looks quite thin but he is actually very well toned.
Class: Night Blade.
Class description: (Just a brief outline of your characters class and capabilities)
Skills: Long Blade (95), Short Blade(95), General staying out of sight and under cover skills (90), Speech craft (100), Frost Magic (30) and due to his birth sign he is naturally gifted at becoming invisible and chameleoning himself and others.
Minor power: Vastly increased speed and agility.
Major power:Flight
Apparel: Sirius usually wears leather armour underneath either a white shirt, black trousers and a black waistcoat or for day time wear he'll put a robe on over his armour.
Weapons: Sirius dual wields a silver Katana and a silver wakizashi. Both have been enchanted to never become damaged or scratched and lose their sharpness.
Inventory: A small pouch full of coins, an old rag for cleaning his blades and a piece of black material which he uses to tie around the bottom half of his face when going out during the day.
He has a pet vampire dog called Thorn (Thorn is about the size of a wolf and is completely black with deep blood red eyes. A very intelligent dog)
Personality/traits: Sirius is a very patient man with time for everyone, he is open to most things, willing to compromise and give anyone a chance, he will always be fair. He will often see things that others will miss and sometimes behaves in strange ways that don't make sense to anyone else. Getting on Sirius' nasty side is a very very bad idea.
Bio: Sirius grew up as a child in Mournhold. His mother died but his father remarried another woman and they had twins. Despite being older, Sirius was usually over shadowed by his twin brothers and was hated by his father's new wife who didn't keep it a secret.
When he was 17 someone from the Dark Blood Guild contacted him and asked him if he would like to join them but to do so he must first become a vampire.
He returned to his home in Mournhold 50 years later to see how his father was doing. Only when he got there he found that one of his younger brothers had also decided to come back home. There was a huge family argument which resulted in Sirius killing his step mother, his father being completely angry and upset and Sirius killing him too.
His younger brother (Achenar) waited for him downstairs and revealed that his twin had been killed and that it had crippled him inside so he too became a vampire and was now working for the empire to hunt vampires in a fight fire with fire sort of manner. Achenar set the house ablaze and locked Sirius inside leaving him to burn in their old family home. When the fire has ceased Sirius managed to escape and return to the guild hall.
To sum the rest of his life up, he has spent his life researching vampires and were-creatures, travelling over Tamriel fighting off vampire hunters, working to protect his guild, he has been captured and tortured by different people many times over the years, and several times be his brother, however he has always managed to escape. He is not exactly a public face but many people know him by the nickname of Moon-eye.