i unfortunately do nto have all the details to my story but I will describe it as best I can so that I may get a proper answer to my query.
I am at the DB quest where I have to kill a man in his hosue while he sits on his chair. This is among the first times that you can get a bonus if you kill within certain criteria, if not the first. In this case If i was able to get into the crawlspace and unhinge the minotaur between 8 and midnight then it would fall on his head and no one would know it wasn't an accident. i waited until the manservant was out of the house and creeped in. At no point was I seen. I entered the crawlspace and waited until the proper time. To be sure I even waited until 9 to really between the said times. I unhinge the minotaur head and down it plops onto the unsuspecting NPC (of whom i completely forget the name) The problem lies in the fact that as soon as this happens a message appears telling me that I haven't fullfilled the contract to proper specification and that I've forfeited my bonus.
WTF mate!
anyone have an idea why?