» Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:40 pm
The only problem I have with Dark Brotherhood is that they're advertised as "professional assassins" when in reality they're just a bunch of murderers not very much different from a group of Bandits. Both kill random people for gold. Well, DB sometimes kill random people just for the sake of killing them, so they're actually below Bandits.
And that's too bad, because properly done assassination quests would be very fun; get in/near the target, kill it, leave the mark of the Dark Brotherhood and leave. Unnoticed. Without killing anyone but the target. That's what being a professional assassin should be like. Not just run into the room tossing fireballs because LOL, WHATEVER
Really, DB should be like Thieves' Guild except with an NPC to kill instead of a valuable gem at the end.
As they are in the game right now, they're a juvenile "evil" faction for frustrated teenagers. Hurrr, hail god of murder durrr