» Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:26 pm
all the guilds svck, they are, in the words of sheogorath, "boring boring BORING!!!!!". bethesda thought the random quests would fill the guilds out, they were wrong, dead wrong. the dark brotherhood has no quests that involve any ingenuity, the thives guild went form being thugs (the way they should be) to dungeon delvers fairly fast, the college has an apprentice let in without any real test of magical ability (which is not needed normaly, but the girl out front said you need somethign to offer the college i yoru going to get in, a singel spell is nothing to the college), the companians went form mercs (as they should be) to being warlords (not to mention the speed at which you find out about the circle). above all, every single guild had only a handfull of short quests in a half-assed attempt to make a, crappy, story-line