I'm currently busy setting up mods for my next playthrough, and now i'm thinking about various lighting mods, which include darker dungeons.
While that sounds good, I would like to get some impressions from people using those kind of mods, how the gameplay really feels, especially on a
long term scale.
I assume that the effect would be great in the beginning of the game, exploring the first dungeons carefully with torches or maybe a candlelight spell, while you are relatively weak, and also later in the game in specific dungeons, when this really fits.
But how does this play out, when almost every dungeon is really dark, when you have to constantly worry about ways to see anything?
Especially in a long play-through, with lots of dungeons to explore.
Some more specific questions:
Do you use torches? How do you handle combat - either melee (no shield oder spell in offhand) or ranged (can't use a torch with a bow, enemy archers out of light radius)
Candlelight, Magelight - Is the need for constant spell-switching and the amount of throwing around magelights in every corner not just tedious after some time?
Night Vision - Do you utilize some form of night vision? This seems to be the most convenient way of dealing with dark dungeons long term, at leat this is my impression by watching the Let's Play Series from Gopher. But what if you don't play as a vampire or werewolf?
Dark nights outside of dungeons - Do you avoid travelling during night-time? Are there major differences between exploring dungeons and travelling outside during the night?
I have to add, that in general my playstyle is rather slow, I try to explore every corner, find interesting stuff, look for literally every item that could be hidden somewhere - that would mean even more magelights to throw around...