But, lo! A loading screen with a picture of a dark elf that looks relatively awesome! Yes please! I'll have one of those!
Ah, nevermind, I've already made my character.
Anyway, after a series of unfortunate choices, my character is now level 28 and woefully underpowered compared to his enemies. I know exactly what I did wrong, and it's time to reroll and start anew.
And I cannot for the life of me re-create that freaking dark elf in the loading screen.
Reference material:
Now, while I realize that the latter is press material and wouldn't necessarily reflect something you can replicate exactly in-game, the former is a freaking LOADING SCREEN. TAUNTING ME WITH ITS RELATIVE AWESOMENESS. Why isn't he one of the presets? Sigh.
So, all of that said, I need your help. Is it possible to re-create that character in character creation? I can't seem to get rid of the eye-lines, nor can I seem to make the forehead quite wide enough. In both pictures, the areas around the eyes are MUCH smoother than I can seem to produce in-game, and those lines are so horrendously ugly. Also, the forehead-widening options seem to be either nonexistent or as well-hidden as the botox slider that seems to have benefitted the above-pictured elves so greatly. Lastly, and least importantly, I can't seem to get that faint greenish hue to the skin tone that both pictures show. If you can list the relative sliders and (roughly) the positions they need to be in, you will have done a great service, and I will carry you on my shoulders on a throne made of sloppy blwjobs for the rest of your days.