Partialy yes. But how more could they destroy?
What has already happened in Morrowind:
1. Vulcano blew
2.Tribunal disolved - house indoril has striken hard
3.Invasion of Daedra
4.Crash of the rock in Vivec
5.Nord invasion in the north .
I gues that the argonians were the least isue for the dunmer. As they invadet mostly the holds of indoril, dress and hlalu. Indoril being in choas with the end of the tribunal and Dress and hlulu leading a aliance that was counting with the support of the imperial, which would not come as they were occupied by other things. There was litle to do .
You what is ironic

That the worst xenophobe, slaveusing, rasist dunmers the Telvani , were doing fine. Yea they lost land and stuff on Vvanderfell but still they have large areas on the continent and the Telvani island, the beat of local deadra invasions with some strike groops and survived untouched by all this . They preserved the very foundation of the acient dunmer way.
Who will the beaten dunmer look upon ? How about the powerfull and acient mages dwelling in theyr hight towers. I bet a lot of dunmer escaped to the telvani.