Ive tried compatibility mode, does not work, running as admin, clearing the temp files, nothing works. Post MSAA is enabled by default, turning it off via autoexec does nothing to fix the problem....
Fourth page... do they even read the forums and just hide behind the excuse that there is to many posts? This is actually an issue that can be fixed unlike dx11.
I have this too... Furthermore, I think, not only the ground texture is missing but all the grass and so on is too bright... I'm nearly getting blind... And I really like this map, because it's one of the larger maps...
ITs so weird, I can load up Lighthouse as the first map and it will look fine, but after a map change every maps grass texture is black, and whenever lighthouse comes around again it looks like what the OP posted...
COME ON CRYTEK JUST GIVE US A SIGN YOU KNOW OF THIS AND WILL TRY TO FIX IT PLEASE! So many useless threads about stupid topics. This is actually a real issue that needs patching and it gets buried in 5 minutes.
Experiencing the same problem with the black grass textures too! I first noticed that while playing multiplayer, but than switching to singleplayer without closing the game resolved to the same bug on the Semper-Fi mission. Seems like restart the game works, but only when the map is being played for a first time. When the next map loads this bug comes back. Crytek please fix this! It's a major bug/issue which ruins the whole gameplay!
Ishbane I forced performance and quality mode as a general setting through Nvidia and it did nothing. Are you sure you just didnt load up 1 map and assume it was fixed? It always works on the first map, but after the next map its messed up.