What bothered me was not so much the torches themselves but the fact that even where there were no torches, there was still enough ambient light to see clearly, add to that the mysterious patches of light that seem to be coming from no visible source, and one can only conclude tht Tamriel's dungeons are made with some form of magical material that naturally produces a degree of light, because in real life if I'm inside a structure with no windows and turn off any lights, I'm certainly not going to be able to see much.
Basically, if you don't use any sort of lightsource, magical or mundane, don't use nighteye, and there are no other actual lightsources nearby, and you're in a dungeon with no passages to the surface where light could come in throgh visible, it should be dark, and I mean, REALLY dark, to the point where you can't see ANYTHING, hand-held light sources or light and nighteye spells should be a necessity, not a luxury (At most.)
This; that's what I wanted to point. It's not only the torches, but the fact that underground dungeons with no daylight passages had TOO MUCH ambient light. Serously, did any of you use torches or a light spell in a vanilla dungeon playing Morrowind or Oblivion?
Also, nights in the wilderness should be darker too; if any of you have ever gone camping, you'd notice that, unless there is full moon, nights are dark, really dark. I don't mean to be impossible to see 1 meter in front, but sure it's unnatural to see a hundred meters ahead outside at night.