Darker dungeons

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:37 am

Then the Khajiit's ability would actually be a good bonus for picking that race. Thats if you can be a khajiit.
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steve brewin
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:59 pm


Sure, in a survival-horror game like Silent Hill, having just your cone of light from a flashlight can add suspense in dark places.

But mostly - I like to be able to see what I'm doing. All those various "make things freakin' dark!" mods..... never wanted to even try one. Just not interested. :shrug:

I found the dungeons in OB and FO3 to be fine.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:13 am

Topic says it all; I've always asked myself who lighted all those torches when I'm inside a dungeon crowed of daedras or undeads... makes any sense? In adittion, nights and suppossed dark dungeons were so bright that I've never used a torch, never.

I'd love to see darker nights and close to pitch black dungeons (of course, not every dungeon; some or many are crowded by "humans"), and a reason to use torches, and light & nighteye spells.

I used a mod for OB that made night pitch black and dungeons you def needed a torch. It was awesome! It really added so much to the atmosphere, specially when I didnt have music to tell me a zombie was creeping up on me.
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Sabrina garzotto
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:22 am

darker dungeons yes nights no unless theres no moon or its overcast moonlight is suprisingly bright
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Laura Hicks
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:10 am

What bothered me was not so much the torches themselves but the fact that even where there were no torches, there was still enough ambient light to see clearly, add to that the mysterious patches of light that seem to be coming from no visible source, and one can only conclude tht Tamriel's dungeons are made with some form of magical material that naturally produces a degree of light, because in real life if I'm inside a structure with no windows and turn off any lights, I'm certainly not going to be able to see much.

Basically, if you don't use any sort of lightsource, magical or mundane, don't use nighteye, and there are no other actual lightsources nearby, and you're in a dungeon with no passages to the surface where light could come in throgh visible, it should be dark, and I mean, REALLY dark, to the point where you can't see ANYTHING, hand-held light sources or light and nighteye spells should be a necessity, not a luxury (At most.)

This; that's what I wanted to point. It's not only the torches, but the fact that underground dungeons with no daylight passages had TOO MUCH ambient light. Serously, did any of you use torches or a light spell in a vanilla dungeon playing Morrowind or Oblivion?

Also, nights in the wilderness should be darker too; if any of you have ever gone camping, you'd notice that, unless there is full moon, nights are dark, really dark. I don't mean to be impossible to see 1 meter in front, but sure it's unnatural to see a hundred meters ahead outside at night.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:20 am

This; that's what I wanted to point. It's not only the torches, but the fact that underground dungeons with no daylight passages had TOO MUCH ambient light. Serously, did any of you use torches or a light spell in a vanilla dungeon playing Morrowind or Oblivion?

On my non-stealth characters, yes. I did. I generally wanted more light.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:17 am

That's exactly the sort of thing I'd like to see and it wouldn't be difficault to implement. Anything that adds to the atmosphere of stealth has to be a good thing.

...frantically you attempt to re-light the torch, sensing movement nearby you freeze. The sound of low, heavy breathing causes the hairs on your neck to prickle...

I've learnt that things that add to the atmosphere of stealth don't necessarily benefit stealthy gameplay. Let me elaborate: I installed 'cava obscura' some days ago. This is an oblivion mod that, as the name suggests, darkens caves. The atmosphere it creates when there are fires/torches around is absolutely beautiful (no arguing there). However, playing a stealthy character becomes significantly more difficult. Why? There are not enough light sources in dungeons so you need a torch to see. If you carry a torch, enemies see you from the darkness and you don't see them so sneaking around gets impossibly hard to accomplish. Also, carrying a torch means no bow can be equipped. Then the torch is a bad idea, perhaps using night eye instead? I'm afraid not because it ruins the nice atmosphere created by the mod. The only thing left is a constant detect life effect, which is also bad because a) you see the enemies but not the surroundings, meaning that you don't know if an enemy can see you or there's a wall between you and him and b ) fighting uniformly pink skeletons/zombies/whatever is not as satisfying (specially if you've downloaded a HD texture pack for creatures).

So if bethesda wants to darken caves in skyrim, I hope that they don't forget to add a good balance between (more or less) well-lit zones and dark zones.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:25 pm

i am all in favor of complete darkness where there is no light sources

i only have one reason for my choice.

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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:06 am

Yeah this has always been a big one for me, I hate how useless the torches were in Oblivion, they could have made it the darkness so much better. Remember that one quest in Oblivion? Through a Nightmare Darkly. one of the challenges was walking along a broken stone walkway in a dark abyss with falling rock traps and such. Good use of lighting there.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:05 am

you do realize that there already is weird glowing light sources. Checkout the scene in the gameplay vid where you use a staff in a cave. Just before he shoot the bolt it is still light.
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stevie critchley
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:26 pm

Try installing mods like "Let there be Darkness" + "Darker Nights" + turn down your brigthness. Even with torches, things will become very annoying after a while. It's not good for your eyes to concentrate so much on single lights in an otherwise very dark area.

Also, torches and such only make things brighter within a very small radius. Beyond that it would be way too dark. That's not good for your eyes at all.

I loved the Oblivion nights and dungeon-darkness-level. With brightness turned down, it became dark enough for add more atmoshpere, but still bright enough for my eyes not to get hurt or annoyed after a while.

Note: Lowering brightness does not make light sources darker. They make their colours stronger. Lowering brightness in the game makes things more nice I think. Less washed out and a bit more colour (but not too much).

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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:31 pm

I see it as a non issue. I used torches all the time in oblivion, and felt I needed them in order to see. At least until I learned a good night eye spell.
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:26 am

They definitely need to be darker, and torches need to light up a larger area, but the farther away the less it lights up the area (If you get what I'm trying to say).
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Damian Parsons
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:54 am

the main problem to change is this.

if they change the darkness level, it also needs to effect AI's perception as well.

just turning down your brightness doesnt do this, it only puts you at a disadvantage, and its the opposite if you turn UP your brightness, they need true darkness in this game imo.

sure thats understandable during the night out in the fields that there be some lighting, but a game that doesnt feel hazardous by running through the wilds at night doesn't warrant any immersion at all to me.
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Wayne W
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:18 am

You know what else might be cool? In Daggerfall, the player had a very faint parented light glowing around them. Walls and other objects, which were pitch black in the darkness, would light very faintly if you got close enough to them. It was probably an attempt to represent how you can (sort of) make out things in the darkness more easily if you get close enough to them. Few if any games have attempted that since.

Just imagine running through a pitch black hallway, when you round a corner and are suddenly face-to-face with a Draugr. Yes, a Draugr, not some mysterious jaggedy black blob - a grue! I'm not asking for absurd levels of brightness, but just a faint, say, 24 RGB increase could look interesting. The thrill being that you'd only be able to make out these figures when they were already in your face and possibly hacking you to pieces.

Obviously if we're talking about ancient subterranean catacombs that haven't been opened in hundreds of years, perhaps the effect would look unrealistic. :P
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:42 am

I meant that if you turn down the brightness it isn't selective; it turns down the brightness of light sources as well and you end up wIth the same thing only darker. It might work I never tried it but it doesn't sound like it would all that well. :shrug:

Plus I don't think I should have to turn down the brightness everytime I enter a dungeon and it would make light spells and torchess more than a pointless addition.

Exactly. You turn down the brightness and guess what? YOU CAN'T SEE! Even with a torch.

AKA we need, darker dungeons, brighter torches.
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:50 am

What would be interesting is a dungeon that was so dark you couldn't see without a torch or a spell of some sort
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:26 am

There is only such a thing as 'Complete Darkness' and most light sources give you a degree of visibility even in 'Complete Darkness'

And you can't get anything darker than 'Complete Darkness' :)
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Floor Punch
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:14 am

There needs to be some light in dungeons. Im fine with a requirement of a torch or light spell to be able to see,
but Im not fine with turning the ambient light down compared to previous games.
Both in Morrowind and Oblivion I absolutely needed a torch or spell to see by.
You have to realise not all people have 20/20 vision or modern monitors and it needs to remain playable.

My doom scenario would be if they made it like Silent Hill: Homecoming. I bought that game, and it was a waste of money.
I cant play it. Id like to play it, but for me to be able to I need more than a black screen with grey bits.
I cant do combat on sound alone.
So my Silent Hill game sits on a shelf gathering dust, because it is simply way too dark to play.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:16 pm

I used a mod for OB that made night pitch black and dungeons you def needed a torch. It was awesome! It really added so much to the atmosphere, specially when I didnt have music to tell me a zombie was creeping up on me.

I did too. Then i added some excellend sound mods. It improved the game experience so much.
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:58 am

Oblivion dungeons were absurdly bright. You didn't need any spells or torches to see in them unless you were Stevie Wonder, and even then you could probably get by.


Oblivion dungeons were absurdly bright. You didn't need any spells or torches to see in them unless you were Stevie Wonder, and even then you could probably get by.

...and this...

Oblivion dungeons were absurdly bright. You didn't need any spells or torches to see in them unless you were Stevie Wonder, and even then you could probably get by.

...and definitely this...

Oblivion dungeons were absurdly bright. You didn't need any spells or torches to see in them unless you were Stevie Wonder, and even then you could probably get by.

...and finally this...

Oblivion dungeons were absurdly bright. You didn't need any spells or torches to see in them unless you were Stevie Wonder, and even then you could probably get by.

...with a whole lot of this!
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:02 am


...and this...

...and definitely this...

...and finally this...

...with a whole lot of this!

You sad, sad little man :P
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:33 am

I don't want to take up any move slots with Flash though :confused:

Also, this isn't going to happen. People who are using 2-H fighting would not be able to walk around with a torch out.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:54 am

I see it as a non issue. I used torches all the time in oblivion, and felt I needed them in order to see. At least until I learned a good night eye spell.

Oblivion dungeons:



Oblivion nights:



Seriously, if you needed torches there, you have a "vision problem". No offenses.
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Yama Pi
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:09 am

Also, this isn't going to happen. People who are using 2-H fighting would not be able to walk around with a torch out.

You obviously haven't played Doom 3.
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