That door in the Lava Core passageway that you can get to from the Odrosal side can't be opened without cheating!
The door in the lava trap corridor with a non-operable wheel? I just reached through the bars of the door and turned the wheel on the other side to get through. I thought it was just another puzzle.
Guess I win the blue ribbon for ingenuity.

You thought it was too big? ... I can run through the whole mod in about 45 mins ..... I guess the fact that I know where everything is could be a factor smile.gif smile.gif
I have about eight hours invested in this mod and I haven't even found Sunder yet. I don't have a problem with the size of the thing... Daggerfall conditioned me for dungeons of this size years and years ago. It really is a fantastic mod, and expertly programmed... My only beef is with the puzzles. They're just too difficult! For example:
I've just come out of an enormous maze into an enormous room with an enormous Dwemeri apparatus in the middle of it. There's a rotating cylinder of death blocking off one half of the room, where I presumably need to go, and there's a wheel that I *think* I have to turn to shut it off... But I can't figure out how to get the wheel unstuck! My only thought is that I need another bottle of oil to grease the wheel, but there aren't any around. So my only recourse now is to spend another three hours going *back* through the maze, searching high and low for this phantom bottle of oil.
Now, I don't know if there actually IS a bottle of oil. That's just my best guess. Maybe there's some other item I need to find in order to turn the wheel. Or maybe the wheel is just a decoy and there's some other way to stop the cylinder from rotating, and I'm just wasting my time. Or maybe I'm not supposed to stop the cylinder from rotating at all and there's actually a secret passageway to get to the other side of the room. I have no idea! I'm completely stumped! I don't need a trail of breadcrumbs... but if you ever plan an update, a little nudge in the right direction in places like these might be nice.

(By the way, what IS the solution to this puzzle? I've been stuck on it for three hours now and I'd really like to know what I'm missing!)