Just finished playing this last night. It's simply incredible -- the best dungeon crawl I've ever experienced in an Elder Scrolls game! The puzzles are tough but fair, the mazes are ingenious, and the architecture is nothing short of incredible. And the final battle was
so much better than Bethesda's version: pure adrenaline from start to finish.
(Like most battles it was made a bit easy by the good old Amulet of Shadows, though.

Dagoth-Ur could still see me even at 80% chameleon, but none of the other baddies could. I'd have died a lot more if I'd had to fight everyone!)
I have only two criticisms. One (which you've heard before, and I realise you disagree) is that some of the traps were a little unfair. Simply being killed instantly for touching the wrong thing isn't much fun. The traps I enjoyed were the ones where I had a chance to save myself -- leaping back as steam burst from a pipe, diving for safety from a collapsing floor, quaffing a slowfall potion to save myself from an unexpected fall -- that kind of scenario is exciting to play even if you don't quite make it in time, and I loved it. One of my favourite moments was
Spoiler the big rotating crushy thing that you have to run underneath
-- the first time I got to that bit I made it safely past the obstacle and promptly fell through a hole in the floor that I hadn't spotted! That was funny and fair. On the other hand, things like
Spoiler doors that drop you into lava with levitation disabled
weren't such fun. Maybe if there'd been
Spoiler a broken ladder I could try to grab as I fell
or something...?
The other criticism is much more minor. The first lift I got to (in Vemynal, I think?), the buttons did nothing at all when I pressed them, and for a while I thought the script might be broken or something. Elsewhere in the mod, there's usually a message like "Nothing happens" or whatever to hint to the player that the reason the button isn't working is that they have to solve a puzzle. I don't think it would really be too much handholding to have something like that!