Darknuts's Greater Dwemer Ruins Volume 1
The Sixth House Ruins
By Mike "Darknut" Niccum
This mod affects Dwemer ruins Odrosal, Vemynal & Dagoth Ur in Main Quest timeline,
and it is my attempt to make the quest to find Kagrenac's Tools and destroy Dagoth Ur
a much more involved task.
You can expect to find much larger ruins to explore as well as traps, puzzles, and
a completely new final battle with Dagoth Ur featuring a new end sequence.
Never a dull moment. Oh, and did I mention traps. smile.gif
Additionally, I made well over a 100 brand new custom meshes for this
including a new corridor tile set!
Please do not modifiy & release a different version of this MOD without my permission
Feel free to use the resources just give me credit
Tribunal and Bloodmoon are REQUIRED
The following mods will NOT work with DN's GDR v1
Darknut's Dagoth Ur & Darknut's Dagoth Ur 2007
See Notices Below
Dagoth Ur Voice Add-On v1.0
See Notices Below
Sabregirls' Tougher Sixth House
the same areas are effected
Princess Stomper's Ghostgate
Ghostgate is "post" death of Dagoth Ur DN'sGDR is "Pre"
The Mad God's Great House Dagoth
I might make a patch in the future
"Dagoth Ur Voice Add-On v1.0" is integrated into this
mod so you will need to uncheck it in the Data Files Menu & failing
to do so will break this mod. ( integrating this was the only option ... really)
"Darknut's Unique Ash Vampires" is integrated into this
mod so you will need to uncheck it in the Data Files Menu & failing
to do so will cause doubling.
"Darknut's Dagoth Ur 2007" is integrated into this
mod so you will need to uncheck it in the Data Files Menu & failing
to do so will cause massive wierdness.
"Greater Dwemer Ruins Resources" is used & is included.
"GZ_dwemer_pack" was also used used in this mod.& is included.
"DN_GDR_Resource" was created & used & is included.
Vality7's 3d Map of Vvardenfell is used & is included.
GDR Resources & Ideas By Nedius are used used in this mod.& included.
If you are using a texture replacer that racially varies from the original Dwemer look, most of the newly added stuff will look out of place.
This plugin has been cleaned with TESAME & everything is as it should be
DO NOT reclean this or you will break the mod!
Suggested Addons not required but they will make the experience better X 10
Azura Creature and Statue Replacer by Westly
Creatures 9 by Piratelord (works great but make sure DNGDRv1 is loaded after Creatures
Pursuit Enhanced by Yacoby ( this is a must have if you want realistic acting baddies)
Real Wildlife2b by Nedius ( I'm not going to say why you would need this type of mod in a dungeon crawl ... just get it

Neo's Unique Creatures by Neoptolemus
This mod is companion compatible & I've spent a lot of time trying to make as compatible as possible. All companions should work including Julan Ashlander Companion 1.2
Nessessities of Morrowind
Included is a seperate esp "DN-GDRv1_NOM" use this if you are using NOM
( Only use one or the other ESP's not both )
Load Order
This mod needs to be the last Dwemer Mod loaded
This mod has be tested with over 230 mods installed! I would say that covers most all of the popular mods out there.
You definitely will need to load this mod after any mod that effects Odrosal, Vemynal or Dagoth Ur. This mod edits the "Endgame" script & the "LorkhanHeart" script so it must be loaded after any other mod that might replace these with the vanilla scripts!
Playing the Plugin
*** Warning ***
Using the console & cheating to get past stuff WILL BREAK THIS MOD!
There are nearly 200 scripts in this mod & a lot of them are dependent on each other.
so if you cheat most of the cool stuff won't work & the mod will svck!
This Mod is designed to be installed & played "BEFORE" you go to
Odrosal, Vemynal or Dagoth Ur for the first time, so if you've already
finished the main quest you will need to start a new game.
These three ruins are now much Bigger & Meaner I suggest that you
SAVE A LOT ...... you have been warned!
Edit 12-3-07
This was just brought to my attention by Shasta Thorne:
If you use Emma's Vvardenfell Travel Agency mod
to get past traps you may be stuck in you will not be able to Levitate or use recall after that so I would suggest that you
refrain from the temptation if you use Emma's mod
You need to be at least level 25 before taking on these ruins.
I have successfully beat all three ruins including the final battle with DU with a level 25 battlemage (without cheating of course) I died quite a few times but it is possible. It was very very hard though & having the right strategy & equipment was paramount.
The best advice I can give is "Pay attention to everything"
Beta Testers
Ironed maidens
I would like to thank all the beta testers for all their help & suggestions.
These are bullet points from the readme file .. please read the full readme included in the zip before playing
Here is the Official Trailer for DN's GDR V1 low res http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUy6RenrYuc
full DVD Widescreen Res http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...tail&id=120
PES http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...ail&id=6068
EricM http://www.elricm.com/nuke/html/modules.ph...ls&lid=4130