1. A farm, if you're roleplaying a farmer.
2. A mine (Obviously) full of corundum ore.
3. It's right on the shore of a lake for the avid fisherman, and even has a rack stock full of fish.
4. The areas surrounding it are awesome hunting grounds and the geysers are really cool. (But watch out for giants!)
5. There's a campfire and tents with beds around it to sleep in.
6. A tanning rack to make leathers from your newly hunted pelts

7. A grindstone to improve weapons (no forge though

8. A wood chopping blockk for all you budding, well, wood-choppers.
9. A group of Imperial soldiers to defend against attacks by dragons/woodland critters (Was this way for me, you might have Stormcloaks or nothing at all)
Unfortunately there is no merchant but what I do is travel to Ivarstead, stay the night there and then continue on my merry way to Riverwood to sell my wares. Repeat on the way back. This is the best location I've found in the woods so far